Laziness Heals Through Slack


If you take a while, and check back the 18-20 century in a deep retrospect… WHAT THE HECK WERE THEY THINKING??? I mean, why did they live on such as PLANE OF EXISTENCE, as the one they attained for themselves– WHY were they not on a SUBGENIUS-LEVEL, they totally missed out on “Bob”!

The communists, Nazi Germany, Fascism Italy, world wars, an SENSELESS URBANIZATION, building ALL *THIS*, and building a world in a frenzy of wage-slaving for the future-now, the USA (still in it’s cradle and what they made of that), and industrialization and EVERYTHING man was up to – all the things developing, the path man was marching-down on– the kind of sense man was creating and perfecting from, WAS very intelligent and ingenious, YES, but not DIVINE, NOT SERENE-TO-THE-MAX!

WHO would wanna rule the WORLD, why do man fight for the things he fights for– whatever happened to the tribes living in symbiosis with NATURE, and praising a great spirit/mystery, and living with nature, living for worshiping on a simple level of LAZINESS and SUBGENIUS, creating a world from that SUB-LEVEL of reality perception – Why build nuclear missiles, when you can rather live in a SMALL SUBSISTENCE OF WORSHIP – and live without any grand schemes for POWER…when you can live like a monk, praying and worshiping..

STALIN, LINCON, HITLER, ETC ETC – how were the BRAINS of those wired like?? Leaders should all be SUBGENII..

WHY NOT JUST SLACK, WITH NATURE?? On a whole other plane of existence, live for a attaining a subsistence of holiness, sacredness – creating a HOLY CIVILIZATION, permeated by a CROOKED NATURE, more-so – you realize of course that a city like NYC shouldn’t even exist..

AND speaking of LAZY: Being counter-productive is OK– just as long as you are getting slack, that’s all the more perfect than being productive

If you’re gonna work, do it in a way that improves your own slack.

I don’t understand why everyone SHOULD pull all together to keep the wheels well-oiled and turning steady onwards…

Just as i would walk into the boss’ office and say “I QUIT” – without really caring what to do next..

Why can’t i do the same to THE CON?? Just quit..

Isn’t that what the FIRST EMPLOYEE SHOULD HAVE DONE? And then not work, just hunt and slack and dance and LIVE beyond the Con..

What kind of meaning comes from toiling for the CON, isn’t meaning achieved through doing the opposite?

Even Brian Eno, in some interview is talking all about how one should NOT get him/her-self a JOB – work for building and maintaining, attaining, YOUR OWN REALITY, A REALITY ALL SOO SLACKFUL…spend time on THAT, SEEKER – work a lot on your own plan for achieving a SPLENDOR OR SLACK AND DIVINITY – for your soul..

Doesn’t being lazy lie in the nature of human kind – why go against our nature, slack is our instinct and nature….i want MORE of the natural state of being human, i’ll have another cup of THAT brew, being all– like, TIME SIEZE TO HAPPEN, like GOING PRIMAL, INSTINCT RIGHT INTO TUNE, HITTING THAT RIGHT KEY, THE NOTE, of my humanity.

And create something divine, IN-THIS-WORLD– create with a full onslaught of DIVINE, FUNKY, SLACKFUL, SERENE AND PRETTY – indulge in that SOFT SENSE, take it lazy

I mean, if mankind would all have been MORE LAZY, from back in our history, evolution or whatnot – our creation of the modern world – IF, MAN Would have been like 60% MORE LAZY counting from way back when there was not today’s world – if man was lazy, always was, from THEN; the very start…the world would now, looking in current state, not just be a great world-of-man– it would be a GREATER world-of-man…if mankind would have been more lazy


You should DISTRUST a lot of people – and if they have the need, even have the mindset, to punish– they are NOT EVEN PEOPLE, they are not ALIVE– WALKING DEAD!

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