There’s a lot of talk about voting on either presidential candidate – but, PERSONALLY, i agree with John Trudell on the blank vote perspective he had – WHY vote for the lesser evil??

I, personally, doesn’t even believe in voting for either one – just the fact that THEY ARE suit n tie men just says it all– thus even the plain fact that they, as anyone, desire to BE President, just proves that THEY DESIRE THE WRONG THING IN LIFE, hence ARE WRONG about EVERYTHING – no normal man desires Presidency– so naturally they’re wrong in their very perception of reality…

Like i wrote some time back: WHY DO WE EVEN HAVE THESE IDEOLOGIES??

Why can’t man/woman just live life just for the plain old concept of JUST LIVING IT??

Why do we even have Presidents?? Why do we fight other nations, man/woman could just live in a tiny subsistence– all you need is just a place to slack! No need to journey further down the path of nationalistic reign, or to rule ANYTHING, rule any country – and i see a change, in myself, from doing mushrooms – where-as that world became alien to me..

I don’t even want to have Presidents in my perspective in life – i just want to perceive MY OWN TINY LITTLE HAVEN WHERE I SLACK, my refuge from the maelstrom..

That seems so alien to the tiny little world i live – for, example; i’m NEVER envious at anyone, I DON’T WANT TO WORK SO I DON’T..

I just find all the reason and rhyme, and good old common sense living in my own little world…living in this apartment is INCREDIBLE, i got the whole world, even, at my finger tips…i don’t even CARE for the world, i got my own refuge in my own little world, i don’t understand how even ANYONE can desire the be in the place of being a president, etc, etc..

The world is CRAZY, it’s nothing but a BIG SHIP OF FOOLS – and Presidents and suit n tie leaders are right there in the for-front of craziness… THEY have given their slack up to become Servants Serving THE CON!

Oh baby
I’m so tired
The man… from the government
The man from the tax board
The man from the public school
The man owns the golden rule, yeah