If humanity, man, is not a CANCER – then WHY would he create a (even just ONE) PARKING LOT– IT’S A ROMANCE!

It’s EVIL!

And WE ALL must toil, we all must rise in the morning to help the wheels turn…why not rather ignore the romance, and BREAK ON THROUGH – Kill The Father Fuck The Mother…

See, man is living in a romance – and there’s absolutely NOTHING you should do, or not do…you can do anything that suits you – “Nothing is true; everything is permitted”, “The race is ALL, one is NOTHING” – and to look on that statement, mean you can actually help humanity, in a better way, to find it’s way out of this romance, this darkness– by doing NOTHING BUT JUST RIDE THE HIGHWAY TO THE END OF THE NIGHT…

Then one might say – “Woah, so you mean, Pope, that PARKING LOTS SHOULDN’T EXIST??? That we should live live in a world without this modernized architecture or infrastructure?? A WORLD PERMEATE BY TOTAL UNGOVERNANCE, just a wild planet of NATURE???– ARE YOU KIDDING?”

BUT, i say this: It’s NOT ME who is a Nihilist, not me who want to push the world DOWN – i want to lift it higher – i want THE BEST of both worlds… I want to live in a modern and technological world, of architecture and infrastructure – only with a DROP OF FUNKY, GAY, ARTISTIC POISON, in the COCKTAIL OF THIS WORLD…a little DROP of higher appreciation for MOTHER EARTH, a little MORE sense of the world being SACRED – not as brutal and UGLY, as this world– FOR WHOM, would actually like to claim that a city like NYC, or any of man’s GRAND CITADELS, ARE IN FACT BEAUTIFUL?? I SEE THEM AS MAN’S LOST VISION OF LOVE TOWARDS HIS OWN HU-MAN-WORLD!

It’s not ME who is nihilistic – i see sacredness in EVERYTHING

I don’t want the world pushed down low– i want it lifted up high

If everyone were like me, man would have another mindset.. And that would SHOW, it would, firstly, be a GAY SCIENCE – a more attention to beauty and CREATIVITY, WOULD SHOW – man has lost that…
THIS WORLD, is just UTILITARIAN– BUT, with my perception, MORE POINTLESSNESS, YET NEAT AND EMBELLISHED AND AESTETIC, ARTISTIC EXPRESSIONS WOULD FLORISH, STAND BRIGHT in society (with a HUGE amply to POINTLESS)– BEAUTY/FUNKINESS/PECULIARITY would pay a bigger ROLE, than making just everything mere MAKING SENSE – now, a gas-station is just merely a gas-station, it fulfills it’s purpose, only – BUT by my way, every gas-station would shine with an artistic-expression, like A LAS VEGAS – man would care about his little gas-station – something like SUPER-CREATIVITY, create from a whimsical concept…

Lets say for instance…that you own a GAS-STATION, as in this example – then you got NO MIND FOR POLITICS, NO MIND FOR TERMS OF GLOBAL AFFAIRS such as wars somewhere, or POLITICAL MOVEMENTS– you don’t demonstrate or partake in anything outside of your nearsighted-dream-world at the bubble of yourself – AND, as in a psychedelic wonderland–YOU TREAT YOUR GAS-STATION as your OWN TAS MAHAL…you embellish it and care solely for THAT, or making your home FUNKY, GROOVY – engulfed in them psychedelic, good and groovy VIBES – you don’t dwell on politics, or miseries outside your psychedelic dream, you live in a dream, a bubble – and all you would touch–for every thing you touches–with artistic touch – and create with full aesthetic-nerve, the very first thing you see; you make the sign of your day, the day’s divinity, FIRST THING YOU SEE..

Even touch-to-build – so also that GAS-STATION – ALL MAN EVER HAS MADE, he should have made as for the GODS, THE SACRED SPIRIT – man has lost that mindset, that reality perception – and after psychedelic experience you gain it back…you see, again, a new cause of living – that counters, a total-enema, to growth for the sake of growth, being the ideology of the cancer cell…rather than that, man would create EVERYTHING TO BE AS AESTHETICALLY PRETTY, with a focus, a perception, solely focusing on the spiritual aspect of the world – in the society of the Ubermensch CULTURE WOULD FLOURISH, and everything…would be…FUNKY/GROOVY…