Was listening to the old Bob Marley song “War” (link above)…

And he mentions, like; “And not until there’s WORLD-CTIZENSHIP”..

That gave me an epiphany, hear me out, seekers:

To be, like a citizen of THE WORLD – wouldn’t that be enough, for any/every man/woman? To just live by a whole other perception; the kind you attain from embarking on a psychedelic trip – you who has done that change to the mind mind, with LSD or SHROOMES, might understand me..

What’s so wrong to just spend time, IN-THE-WORLD, and just smoke some herb (if that’s your thing), unwind and zone-out in your intimate subsistence – put the focus into some dance, or some cooking, having sex, reading or–HELL, JUST ENJOY LIFE, some OF THAT LIFE-STUFF, like WORLD-STUFF – to break out into THE PSYCHEDELIC– AND, TO LEAVE THE CON, TO LIVE LIFE AS A WORLD-CITIZEN…like in that song by the Doors, “The Ghost Song”; – “Couples, naked race down it’s quiet side” – “And we laugh like soft, mad children, smug in the wooly cotton brains of infancy” – “Everything is broken up and dances..” – Follow the music over yonder, to the REALM OF EARTH. To only have ONE TRUE FRIEND in this world– and it AIN’T TRUMP OR PUTIN- MUSIC is your only friend!

TO; i mean, Turn On Tune In And DROP OUT! To leave the con for rather a LIFE of roaming around and explore, perhaps you don’t need to go far– William Blake, the great Poet and Thinker/Seeker, he never even left London..

To, in a sense, COME ALIVE – abolish the world, the CON, world of ‘SUIT N’ TIES’ – a whole other Perception Of Reality – i mean, to completely, DROP OUT – COMPLETELY ENTER INTO LIFE, ENTER INTO THE WORLD(EARTH:

Become a Citizen of the world, focus your perception straight into–all the way into; MOTHER EARTH, NATURE, to live as a by-product of earth, and live and die all by nature, live by MENTAL MYOPIA…to make the change into a FUNKY PERCEPTION, in nearsighted-psychedelic-perception – not go further than to stay close to nature, NOT ABIDE TO THE CON, IN ANY-WAY!

To hell with the CON – that entity feeds on making normal men/women slack-deprived, DROP OUT, REPENT, QUIT YOUR JOB & SLACK OFF – ENTER THE SLACKED-SIDE-OR-REALITY- WHERE THERE’S NOT EVEN A THOUGHT OF WARS, where the art of living comes indefinitely, where people live by EARTH, in a DEEP-EARHTED-SENSE, not by THE CON!