If i can live my life, being all-so EGOSTIC; as to the point i can make my life without working – i would, i see no MORALITY, i see no good or evil, respectively EVIL IN SLACKING ETERNALLY; NOT WORKING AT ALL.. I DON’T SEE, this world that mankind has worked SO HARD FOR, to build, worthy of it’s reputation, ANWAY – i don’t see man’s world as all that, or in fact ALMOST THE OPPOSITE OF, FANCY, OR PRETTY – like, NOT AT ALL, all that DIVINE OR SERENE…and man is suppose to be ‘OH SUCH A REFINED SPIECES’– I DON’T SEE THAT AT ALL – i see MANKIND as rather IDIOTIC! I see a creature NOT VERY REFINED IN HOW HE-OR-SHE HANDLE THE GRIP ON REALITY, Or on mother earth – i think the world of man is pretty dystopic, and lacks SLACK, lacks in the more SENSUAL ASPECTS; MANKIND, as rather an UGLY PRIMATE-IDIOT – see, man is merely a bridge between APE and UBERMENSCH – the Ubermensch will look on us as we look on the monkey – our world is in fact pretty INSENSATE and pretty BLEAK, by comparison to THAT!

Far as i can see – mankind, for the last several thousands of years– has really been bent on ACQUIRING, OWNING, THE WHOLE WORLD–like NOW! Man WANTS THE WORLD, we’re all stampeded ALONG in that notion of reaching A GRAND SCHEME FOR SOME FUTURE OF MAN, some grand PURPOSE OF EARTH – but me, personally, i see NO REASON WHY NOT TO KILL THE FATHER FUCK THE MOTHER!

AND everyone must join-in to help mankind acquire this entire world– it’s NOT like you can really cash in your chips and LEAVE THE CASINO…to just slack eternally, that’s seen as TABOO AND ABSURD – like do what Jim Morrison sings about, in the song, as it goes:

“Cancel my subscription to the resurrection
Send my credentials to the house of detention”

You must work; you must HELP IN THIS QUEST! You’re not really suppose to BE FREE – like them indigenous tribes, just live life as YOU CHOOSE, do what you want – it’s SINFUL to live, although an active life close to mother earth, but although to not lead a life of DAY-JOB-ENGAGEMENT..

What would life amount to, than to, egoistically, do what you WANT to do, way-through..??

Like, the old world, before this modern world where everything is key on you to assimilate to leading a working kind of life.. Here’s another section from a The Doors song – “the best part of the trip”

“Successful hills are here to stay
Everything must be this way
Gentle streets where people play
Welcome to the soft parade

All our lives we sweat and save
Building for a shallow grave”

Like in the old world, the American indians, they lived hunting, dancing, making sweet love under the stars…but they didn’t have to work– THAT DOESN’T CHANGE THE FACT, that you should get IT ALL, living in this modern world– you SHOULD grope for it ALL – see what i mean, right?

1. Rejection of Altruism and Conventional Morality

2. Egoism as Self-Assertion

3. Egoism and the Will to Power

4. Egoism and the Herd Mentality

5. The Role of Egoism in Nietzsche’s Ethical Framework
