And in particular i would like to point more precisely at the system of jail/prison.. Because i see a deranged frame of mind in that whole thing, which is just creating more darkness, more negativity and travesty–more pinkness, in it all..
Let’s say someone murder someone; wha-bam, bullet shot from someone’s gun in some random stranger’s head — Then, the culprit of that deed will spend the rest of his/hers life locked down and forever stuck in misery in a facility..
I don’t buy that.. What does that solve, is it some kind of pay-back–THEN WHY NOT PUT A BULLET IN HIS/HERS HEAD?? How can misery and tragedy be solved with creating further-more misery, for the murder-deed-maker??
It’s just pointless.. Why do the white man think that if someone kills (unless if it’s in WAR) must be, for some reason, punished with a gratified, for the rest of the human’s life with complete entrapped, terminal bereavement of freedom?
How would it be, if that if someone killed someone: Wha-bam, done; grief, death, tears, heart-break and tragedy– THEN-nothing-happens, at all..? Absolutely nothing happens from this, no outcome.. THEN, would people be more savage?
Would people start killing each-other left-right, over minor alterations, if there was absolutely NO-penalty or punishment, at all..?? Well, if that IS the case, then maybe all those humans, who dwell inside that world of order, should be killed..
If someone killed my entire family, i would be very hurt and sad, but not angry–AT ALL! ONLY SAD, not even a tiny bit angry or filed with animosity.. It would make no different if they had the culprit put in prison…just more travesty in the world.
I think the Con would be better off if they were all actual apes rather than the white beasts they are now.. The Con is just a huge industrial dystopia or insane homo sapiens,,,where is the love for everyone, why all the hurt feelings, as a whole of it..
We would have been better in a world where prisons doesn’t exists.. Just a green world of flowers and bees.. TOO MANY PUPPIES! Mankind should have stayed hunters & collectors, and never ventured into the wrong path leading eventually to insanity.
The law-system doesn’t solve anything, it’s just a way of creating a huge industrial hu-man-world of urbanization and insane PUPPIES.. SPUD-BOYS, APES, MEDIOCRETINS with brains low on imaginary fulfillment – better, then, to make a definite slack-shift.
Better to shift over into CARTOON-WORLD, and leave this hu-man empire – BLOW THEM OFF, and quit the job and just play like a naughty dog chasing bitches in the sun, eating good and digging the groove all-together, as we fuck the entire world and just use it.
Why would you ever need to kill someone, if you, at an early age, divorce from the entire Con, altogether – then you will never lose – it’s so simple, just to be egoisitic and throw out the false prophets and all, and turn on-to the path of least resistance…the Con is a jail..
The Con is a jail, and it’s bitter normals creating more bitterness in the entire world, fellas – and all along they tell you you can’t just blow it off and quit the job and just slack off at home.. Such a fabricated lie, such a grand lie–like as if anything would be true and prohibited.
It’s a lie – we must all repent, but the lost souls won’t go back to slack.. It’s a lost race.. And the prison/joil system is kind of reflecting over the entire “civilization”, and in the ghettos.. A lie has become natural normality – and they tell you you should actually care to do anything..
It’s like a said – being real and in some sort of reality, like a real-human- that is all overrated to the max.. Better to be fat than thin, because at least you are more of something.. Better to be more crazy than not enough crazy – better with too much peace than not enough peace & slack..
Too many puppies, fellas, too many skin-monkeys in this world..
Response, By Rev Wattdefalk:
A lot of value in your observations here, applicable for a majority of people but not for all.
Richard Pryor once said something like: “I’ve played at Federal prisons, and tried to get to know some of the real hard-timers there, and I came to this conclusion: Thank!…GOD!…we got penitentiaries!”
And he followed that with a few brief descriptions of genuine monster-twisted sick things men had done to land there.
But I’m always trying to equivocate. There’s also the fact that our criminal justice system is sick and twisted, and its punishment tends to turn hurting people into seriously damaged people. As you inferred.
Reply: Oh, i forgot the most important punch line — what truly makes the prison system so totally derived from a deranged, anti-slacked frame of mind, is the fact that they put you there for CARRYING 500GRAMS OF A PLANT CALLED CANNABIS! That’s the disturbing part.. The Con is dominating our lives so much that it’s against some law to intoxicate– like as if society would penalize someone with prison for not trying to be educated, kinda same..
Wattdefalk, again: And I just read a brief memoir from someone who’d recently served in the US Army that they turn a blind eye to use of speed and meth, in high pressure situations even encourage it, but you’re in a world of shit if one of their regular tests detects a trace of cannabis.
Reply, me: The American justice and punish system is viscous, and inconsiderate. America punish for any little thing, takes in no consideration about peoples feelings.. A very good point there, Rev Falk! They don’t want this world in peace, they want murder – and you cant as a warrior decide for your self, if you wanna trip as you die on the battle field, like some Indian warrior – NO you are not allowed cannabis, you’re not even free in war.. They don’t want you to be what you are..