“Men don’t know, but the little girls understand– BACKDOOR MAN!”
It takes a freak, to truly see through all the visionary-filters which men and women has acquired by now:
It takes a little change, disorder, chaos, a little madness – to truly find the clear vision of everything.. a SLACK-REALITY-PERCEPTION in all it’s glory. To wake up, takes madness, pain – it takes a freak, a hippie, to find slack, to loose the blind-fold, find THE PERCEPTION being a truly open, free, slackful perception…to get CLEAR, opening all the senses, UP from their dormant state…
But man don’t want to enter the dream, enter the sweet forest – alone see the great spirit..
And that “DREAM” is like a still, clear surface of a lake – AND WORK, only ripples that surface! Takes up precious time, too – like, WHO actually strive to work all the time– so much better to spend time alone, free, with nature, by some ancient lake under the ancient moon…
See, in my vision of the perfect society, my Utopia – men and women would all live simple and BE HAPPY.
I have a vision, see…of a world, where the people– ACTUALLY WANT TO BE HAPPY! Where everyone mind their own, and chooses, TAKES THE DECISION, TO BE HAPPY! I mean, truly get away from negativity, free themselves both mentally and physically!
Nietzsche were right…people don’t actually want to be happy above all..
Men and women, everyone…none of them seem to strive for ZEN, for SLACK.. But what is the things about SLACK, anyway..? Well, a lot of it draws from the same waters of the teachings, and understanding, of Buddhism;
Buddhism got a lot to do with slack, zen and such “stuff” – and it’s what i consider being the main thing you should strive for, try to get, in life – and also to FIND YOURSELF, as Nietzsche pointed out; finding yourself is the important thing, and i think slack/zen got a lot to do with that, ALSO
And for me, personally, i find a lot of such “stuff” being in nature
Here’s a text examining that idea, of Nietzsche, how he thought; “People not wanting to be happy, actually, above all”: