As an old acid-head(or shroom-head, whatever, i’ve actually only done shrooms) – i don’t, EVEN, agree to the very notion on which THIS WORLD is founded, i see no SLACK IN IT… i live differently, i got a different perception of reality – i’m soo far away from this planet, this world…I’m living a simple life in a void of simplicity, AND NATURE FILLS THE VOID FOR ME – i mean, i draw slack directly from nature, in my simple life! I don’t pursuit much, just a little house close to the country, where i can live permeated by nature..

I live in an obscure realm, almost like a paradise inside my home – i don’t participate in the consensus of things of this world – just give me a home, a cat, some frop and some good stuff; like movies and music.

I wrote on Mastodon, couple of months ago: – “Why do we need these kind of ideologies, and leaders, the whole bit, why can’t people just live void of all such things?” – WHY is the world the way it is, WHY do we have THIS WORLD of political parties and people who need to reach all-the-way-there, to that seat of power..

And, someone then replied, like: – “Because otherward NATURE would have to fill the void”

So, with only nature left, to only abide totally to nature, leave all the rest- nature filling the void– I see nothing wrong with THAT, why not; everyone DO THAT?? Why aren’t we simply living in a world where nature fills that void – why can’t nature, alone, be the rule?? WHY can’t EVERYONE SEE, like me?? But also by a mental aspect; lay your mind onto NATURE, escape the turmoil of the con, let nature take your mind away from distress and be the sanctuary – to look ONLY ONTO NATURE, and turn yourself OFF from the people – like in that song by The Doors, “The Game” – to let nature rule you, let nature take your life, like a baby laying yourself down to rest and vanish in nature, like a baby with an INFANT-MIND-OF-NATURE..

Just have a little job, a little car, a little home, a simple life aligned with NATURE…IN HARMONY…no Presidents, no masters, no lords of the world – just everyone living SIMPLY BY NATURE, FULFILLED and harmonious??

Take these kind of super-wealthy people – look at Political actors, like powerful Trump or powerful Musk, or Putin – they own much and got power and wealth to the moon – BUT how much of that SLACK, do they accumulate?? Do they ever find themselves drifting, in the mind, drifting into something obscure, or even into something SURREAL– surreal in a pleasant sense or going crazy–in a good way, they seem almost like they’re drowning in anti-slack, like turning PINK – when money loses it’s SLACKFUL-ASPECT, when money is no longer an object – when they lose that affectionate relation to wealth, losing a slackful sense of reality..

A mellow and tender little subsistence, of JUST ME, me snoozing long mornings, waking up and just stay in bed DREAMING, smoke a little weed in the night and get into the groove, like living inside a dream-void of good old slack – slack off and dream off, and cook and listen to music and just live like inside a groove, a little void made by nature, and nature’s slackfulness – that’s WHAT I WANTED– SO i got out and got it…i ALWAYS scheme and plan how to get slack get fulfilled and get to that groovy subsistence..

NOW, what kind of SLAVE, doesn’t TRY TO get what he want in life???


The reason i strongly avoid day-jobs, con-work, or any scheduled & continuous obligation to spend time on any such notion equal to DOING WORK – is NOT because i’m TOO LAZY, it’s rather because im TOO ENLIGHTENED – through many profound insights it has come to be, that i happen to CHOOSE SLACK every day of the week!

For my personal vision of the world to come true, be realized – it would take a shift in the mentality of men and women of the entire earth – and it would be, kind of, like the shift, the alteration, you get from embarking upon a psychedelic trip…the way you get, from that kind of a wrench in your brain; when you come down, all changed, the world like new and fresh

If my personal vision of what mankind’s civilization on earth, could be and look like, would come true – it would BE A PARADISE..

BUT, mankind has lost that SLACKFUL SYMBIOCE WITH NATURE – WE would rather walk on HARD LAVA than on the ground— what does that tell you?

WE can’t even create an IDYLLIC world of greenish pastures – where we walk on the ground, NO, we just pave-over-everything and creates skyscrapers of concrete and STEEL– it’s all ONE WORLD OF STEEL

Where is the FUNK of our world, what’s TRULY PICTURESQUE about our WORLD OF STEEL? We have totally gone SLACKLESS as a species

I don’t like what mankind has created- i see it as an ANTITHESIS OF PSYCHEDELIC PERCEPTION, to me..