Like Nietzsche said, like; “A bad memory is a gift”…
I want to become a blissful boob – a FREE boob – as long as a can orchestra an BBQ on my balcony, that’s eating a grand meal which means survival, i mean why master, to a high-degree, in some ridiculous con-matters, like; politics, or a medical doctor’s degree, etc etc etc, WHEN I CAN TOTALLY MASTER HARMONY, an empty head like a cartoon character..? Why be brainwashed by the con – when one can get a couple of thousand percent more bliss…i think that’s what i meant by becoming more savage and animalistic; to LOSE all that which THE CON try to feed into my holes – why not rather break on through to the other side – and leave that con-field of reality..? Why not be bereaved of ANTI-SLACK, just live a slack-life?
Why be a “Winner”, in the grand competition of the con, like letting the con seep into the consciousness – when i can live in a total, other, slackful side of reality, live in ULTIMATE SLACK – MOTHER EARTH is everything, her love is what i should learn to master – a master’s degree in slack, in harmony, in wisdom– and throw myself down “Bob”s pipe, into that world of slack – the grand world so musty, soo funky, soo fuzzy and warm; LIKE A CARTOON-world, almost, yet not – but, anyway, as long as i can master a grill, and BBQ-out a meal for 4-5 people, im pretty pleased…and even a monkey can fetch a beer from the fridge, right – i want to live in the country, as a simple, blissful redneck.. I don’t want any part of SLACKLESSNESS.
I can’t really explain – but there IS ANOTHER SIDE, another notion, to LIFE, and point of view on work and the earth, totally – a softer., groovier and cooler way to look at it all, through pain and a prolonged derangement of the senses, you can gain a softer and more interesting, piquant existence. But i’m pretty confident you, as SubGs, know about what i’m trying to explain, already without this thread.. There is a world, here, we are living in/on, that is totally groovy, man. we are living in a cool, and unusual, world – but humankind prefer living in a hell, a con-world so bleak…they push themselves to a complete con-hell..