I think that, the meaning of IT ALL, IS: THE CHILDREN.

When the humans have, finally, abandoned their children, they have abandoned IT ALL.. Which The Con HAVE/ARE DOING – WE ARE NOT EVEN BORN FREE, anymore..

The Con, The Babylon – is A VAMPIRE.. Babylon eats it’s young..

Do you get what i am referring to? – We all know the Con wanna EAT US.. And it starts right from birth, as we get forced into The Con, forced into THE LIE..

We are the ones, hip to the fact that The Con tries to screw up our lives – SCREW UP OUR SLACK — Hip to the fact, that there really IS A CONSPIRACY..

Our slack is under attack Children! They want YOU to give it up – give it ALL UP — for; SLACK, you might say, IS ALL THERE IS – the very cornerstones of life..

(not like shit like this hasn’t been mentioned often before, but..)

To think of it.. The children may be the reason of IT ALL – but without slack there can’t be ANYTHING PURE or TRUE–so; SLACK, is probably more the prime-reason, of IT ALL.


(Sign.. We must find a way to eradicate this kind of infidelity, before it’s to late..)

Hehe.. NO, but seriously – WE MUST KEEP ON SLACKING, EVERYONE!

Let’s put on some aggressive music about beating man-society:

Babylon is the place where they sell the butter, and honey, to buy alcohol and prostitutes – a pink, false world, of jive-bullshit, where mothers don’t love their children any more..

AH, “but they do”, YOU SAY – but not that extra much–with that Yetigen-love – NOT GIVING TO THEIR CHILDREN TRUE-SLACK!


They’ve lost it, lost their own earth – out of their grasp!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-5ata4jDyk

We must all DUTY NOW, and DIE BEFORE WE FEAST – to produce more whiskey out of the wine, little girls to copulate, and 5dollar-bills..

Where are the feasts we were promised? Where is the wine-(the new wine)-dying on the vine..

It’s all very natural.. THE CON IS THE MOST NATURAL!

Just as it’s natural, in what i said: “If man dropped a bomb on the ground, they would regard civilian-humans being killed, but not even think to consider all the insects killed”

THAT*S NATURAL – the pink, would say; “it’s natural to not MIND THE INSECTS!” — EXACTLY!

To him i could say: “Exactly, you are naturally exactly what your biological nature, as nature’s species, has intended for you to be!!” The normals exists as their biological cause intends – THEY NEVER FAIL THAT BIOLOGICAL NATURE-CAUSE!

They never fail their own nature – by having any delusional-divinity/mystique-guidance–instead they work–MINDED THE INSECTS DYING IN THE BOMB-BLAST.. They are taking CARE OF THEMSELVES, FOR THE SAKE OF THEIR RACE’S PREVALENCE.

It’s just natural – the Con, is absolutely natural: ‘WE WAN’T THE WORLD–SOONER THE BETTER’ And they want YOU to equally understand the cause – to fall-in in also trying to HAVE THE WORLD, ATTAIN THE WORLD..

Development, creationism, prevailing and surviving – naturally a grind-of-the-con. Doing the right thing, not failing ‘THE TRUTH’, keep the sails of humanity’s ship progressing – not failing your-own by FOOLISH GRAND “DELUSION” A GRAND MISTAKING.You can’t just give up existing, and lay the whole-CON-OFF-YOURSELF – THAT’S NOT RIGHT. That’s why the insane live in the true reality – as the madman has undressed nature and lost the romance along with his derangement from the natural..

This world – a monster of energy – is a world TO POWER, and nothing besides – WE, as a race, is doing what ANY OTHER CREATURE of this world WOULD DO – ARE MADE TO DO–IT’S NATURAL TO NOT ATTAIN AN UNNATURAL-PURE-SLACK..

We got prisons and court-houses to control such con-divergent, naturally-wrong atrocities – IN SOCIETY OF TODAY IT’S EVEN UNNATURAL TO BE NAIVELY GAY AND JOYOUS AND HAPPY – NAIVE, BLIND SLACK AND BEAUTY IS FROWNED UPON. Today the majority of humans are anal and negative jerks.. CYNICAL NEGATIVITY IS PRAXITELES.  You live for a short while – but you are not suppose t enjoy that. It’s wrong to give it up and leave The Con in the nearest trashcan–AND NATURE; TOO!

And it this modern age, many HUMANS are proclaiming how natures must be attained, SAVED – BUT, how can WE; AS A RACE, manage to save earth–IF WE, AS-NATURALLY, DON’T EVEN HAVE THE “DELUSION” TO MIND THE INSECTS DYING?? – If we don’t own THAT “DELUSION”, DELUSION OF GOD–WHICH WE HAVE KILLED – TO EVEN BEGIN WITH – THEN HOW COULD WE EVER DO ANYTHING?? We can’t even create a HUMANE WORLD – TO  START WITH- IT’S HELL!

Just-being-a-part-of-nature – THAT is the sole reason for it all, i think – just like a plant–I’M JUST LIKE A PLANT..

There’s no deeper meaning than that–that as deep as it gets, to just be a part of nature – no need to ever understand or know more, than that..

There’s no need to be deep–cause that’s the deepest state of all – you catch my drift, what I’m trying to say, children?.. To be just like “Bob”, in that extreme state of slack.

And that is why it is soo important to not destroy nature – for without an dominant natural spirit and influence into our lives and souls, we will lose that state of just-to-be, you know, that harmony..

That slack of no uniformity or instated ideas.. You don’t need to become like an Inuit of deep Amazons, or a hillbilly, surviving permanently in nature as a trapper,,even in a HI-Tech world/reality–just-be-a-part-of-nature.

Not care for anything that touches anything – only slackful, neat knowledge and know-hows–BUT, keeping a very lite and fuzzy relation to such things, keeping only to the sole deep-root, being the notion if just being part of nature. Observe everything without judging, dwelling or giving a fuck, about anything but those little metaphysical-fishes, of the mind, in a mere aquarium on a stereo-table in the Dobbs-den – like a foundation of stupid, true mind-mastery..

Ignorance IS bliss..