To be spiritual, without being, at all, a Christian – that’s what i’m talking about…
To see EVERYTHING as spiritual…
THE AIR; being sacred, the EARTH; being a GODLIKE MOTHER EARTH – to live for praising Gaia/earth…to see YOURSELF as full-on-right-down-SPIRITUAL..
“Some people say, “I belive in God” – i don’t need to believe in God– i’ve been one with god!”
Like Nietzsche said, something like: “First mankind must go Nihilistic, lose God, then find a spirituality AGAIN” – through PAIN, one can find oneself, MOST PEOPLE has not yet found themselves, PSYCHEDELIC DRUGS, TOO, can be spiritual TOOLS..
To find a WHY you are alive, and to love one’s faith – to find a substitute for God, because man has killed God – now we must venture out, like born into this house, thrown into this world, like a dog without a bone, to FIND SLACK, to obtain that spiritual perception – FOR, if never have, or doesn’t do, PRAY, then what are your life??? If you never pray, like the American Indian– if all you live for is buying a house and two cars, children, entertain yourself– WHAT is that life?? Seems kind of bleak to me…
It’s, then, like America – a commercial society totally taken by big industry, where people live as consumers – see, America is really like of them Cardboard fasade-fronts, totally flat with no interior, held up by a supporting board in the back – America is totally TRIVIAL, NOTHING IS SACRED, everything is just God away on business..