Was listening to the old Bob Marley song “War” (link above)…
And he mentions, like; “And not until there’s WORLD-CTIZENSHIP”..
That gave me an epiphany, hear me out, seekers:
To be, like a citizen of THE WORLD – wouldn’t that be enough, for any/every man/woman? To just live by a whole other perception; the kind you attain from embarking on a psychedelic trip – you who has done that change to the mind mind, with LSD or SHROOMES, might understand me..
What’s so wrong to just spend time, IN-THE-WORLD, and just smoke some herb (if that’s your thing), unwind and zone-out in your intimate subsistence – put the focus into some dance, or some cooking, having sex, reading or–HELL, JUST ENJOY LIFE, some OF THAT LIFE-STUFF, like WORLD-STUFF – to break out into THE PSYCHEDELIC– AND, TO LEAVE THE CON, TO LIVE LIFE AS A WORLD-CITIZEN…like in that song by the Doors, “The Ghost Song”; – “Couples, naked race down it’s quiet side” – “And we laugh like soft, mad children, smug in the wooly cotton brains of infancy” – “Everything is broken up and dances..” – Follow the music over yonder, to the REALM OF EARTH. To only have ONE TRUE FRIEND in this world– and it AIN’T TRUMP OR PUTIN- MUSIC is your only friend!
TO; i mean, Turn On Tune In And DROP OUT! To leave the con for rather a LIFE of roaming around and explore, perhaps you don’t need to go far– William Blake, the great Poet and Thinker/Seeker, he never even left London..
To, in a sense, COME ALIVE – abolish the world, the CON, world of ‘SUIT N’ TIES’ – a whole other Perception Of Reality – i mean, to completely, DROP OUT – COMPLETELY ENTER INTO LIFE, ENTER INTO THE WORLD(EARTH:
You know the day destroys the night
Night divides the day
Tried to run
Tried to hide
Break on through to the other side
The Gate is straight deep and wide, break on through to the other side
Become a Citizen of the world, focus your perception straight into–all the way into; MOTHER EARTH, NATURE, to live as a by-product of earth, and live and die all by nature, live by MENTAL MYOPIA…to make the change into a FUNKY PERCEPTION, in nearsighted-psychedelic-perception – not go further than to stay close to nature, NOT ABIDE TO THE CON, IN ANY-WAY!
To hell with the CON – that entity feeds on making normal men/women slack-deprived, DROP OUT, REPENT, QUIT YOUR JOB & SLACK OFF – ENTER THE SLACKED-SIDE-OR-REALITY- WHERE THERE’S NOT EVEN A THOUGHT OF WARS, where the art of living comes indefinitely, where people live by EARTH, in a DEEP-EARHTED-SENSE, not by THE CON!