I know, my entire blog i keep mentioning this theory that man’s brain isn’t dumb, very very smart– although that it lacks in a whole other regard, like a SMART-STEW, tasting good – only could taste in OTHER SUBLIME WAYS, if there wasn’t lacking some ingredients of ANOTHER KIND – so, here, i go AGAIN:
Man has been very INGENIUS when he created civilization…his brain is very smart for the technical and constructive part – BUT, seems man’s brain is actually lacking in another part of his brain – and i think that part of the brain, may be, kind of UNLOCKED from use of Psychedelics…i honestly believe so..
LOOK at this world – man has been very productive, been HELLOVA-SMART and technical – he has worked very hard and made a lot, and it all stands AS A MONUMNET OF MAN’S INVENTION.
BUT, is it SPIRITUAL?? Is man’s GRAND CIVLIZATION SPIRITUAL–AS-IN; SERENE?? PRETTY?? MIRACALOUSLY-BEAUTIFUL?? Has man actually done wrong on how his BRAIN is wired??
All i got to say, looking right outside my window, never the less on the entire world, is; MANKIND IS A GOD DAMN FAILURE!!
You see: “Mine are the eyes of god
And what I see is not what was meant to be”
I see from a psychedelic point of perceptive – and i don’t see any true beauty in mankind’s WORLD OF STEEL.
Take for example – the URBAN CITY: To create a world, urban word, bursting with colors was a concept not even comprehended – and THAT fact just says it all. It’s like the only thing i have been ranting about in my Blog posts: How man’s brain is very smart, ingenious and technical–and productive–BUT, looking at it from another perceptive; it appears as if man’s brain is actually lacking in a different department: IT SHOWS, man’s world is “GREAT”, a world of GRAY CONCRETE & STEEL, just lacking in other regards..
BY MY MIND- there would not exist any DIRECT WARS, fact it MAN’S WORLD WOULD BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, it would be a hellova-LESS-URBANIZED– with a kind of Nearsighted Mentality, people would merely focus their perception onto; “A tree growing there“, OR, “AHH, pretty flower growing there” – “Ahh, a raven just flew by”…”The fire is starting to burn-out”; “THIS IS MY CAMP, i’m reading a book in my camp right now, those beans and pork was tasty, mmm – wonder if i’ll bake some bread with butter, tomorrow– THIS CAMP IS ALL I KNOW” – people wouldn’t look as far as to other COUNTRIES – right now, we got men, GREAT RULERS, that is looking upon the world like a GAME OF RISK – spectates the world they live in like looking GLOBALLY – and directs the nations on a GLOBAL-NOTION, like war-mongers for example..
You know, seeker, all i can say- and it stems back to the way of the tribal societies, like the spiritual awareness of the old American Indians..
All i’m saying, is – that there’s PEOPLE, FUCKING-OUT-THERE, people you DON’T SEE. people who dwell in the UNDERGROUND – and these PEOPLE, are of a whole other MIND, a whole other sort and stock completely – our brains are NOT wired like any of the Suit N Tie men’s brains are – we live in ANOTHER EARTH – we are a WHOLE DIFFERNET BEAST, WE SEE SPIRITUALITY IN THE WORLD AROUNDS US!
Like, contrary to some Spud Boy rolling a frop joint the size of a baseball bat – there’s a minority of us, but we actually know SPIRITUALITY, SPIRITUAL AWARENESS – WE DO CEREMONIES, RITUALS, INVOCATIONS, PRAYING!
We are the SUBGENIUS – WATCH THE TAPE; “ARISE!” – it’s on Youtube…