If everyone were like me, ridden with residue from Psychedelic experiences – the world would be more colorful, more gay, more whimsical, more fruity, more pretty, more primitive–PERHAPS, yes, but soo much PRETTIER and FUN and not THIS hard world, so cruel, this WORLD OF STEEL – man has totally missed out on the psychedelic way to look on the world

I often speak of MENTAL MYOPIA – to maybe lose yourself completely in your own little home, like a mole man of sorts – to embellish the SMALL THINGS, ENAMOR THE SMALL THINGS – be a simple person in a simple world..

Lets say you’ve put up camp in the wild – and you open a book and reads, then to get fully swallowed-up by the book – and you know you are ALL ALONE, THERE, and you stay in the camp BY MENTAL MYOPIA

Why are not more people turned on to this experience??

Q: As a thought, just hit me – EPIPHANY, if you may… Hear me out.

Regarding the “Right to choose”

WHY, do even white political actors in some sort of high up seat in congress–CARE??? Why is it so important to them so SAVE BABIES from being terminated before they are born – why can’t they just live by nature, as simple people – embellish their own little worlds, like living simple..?

I mean, why can’t they just throw down their political office of pursuits for a better world– WHY DO THEY CARE IF EVERYTING TURNS TO SHIT AND WOMEN JUST KILL BABIES – WHAT does it have to do with THEM, anyway, why do they care???

A: Their true employers would lose all those people desperate to work for what they’re willing to pay.

Q: Yes, must be it… BUT, to summarize my point in the post above..

WHY, is it that THEIR TENDRILS must reach everywhere and everything, can’t they find something different to do with their life/time? Like, why must they even control ANYTHING, can’t they just let the boat plow into the fucking iceberg, and just turn to personal decadence of living ALONE in a pursuit of pussy, beer and sports – what made them, the lords of this world, made them so concerned with all these sorts of things??

A: A man, once in the grip of power, will not only conspire to make sure it is not taken from him, but seek to expand it exactly as far as everybody else is content to let him.

These are not humans we’re talking about, when Romney said “Corporations are people, my friend”, he actually said what he believes.

Q: But, how can you pursuit that life??? Who would want to live like a president, and sit and CARE about women and the women doing abortions – why not rather stay out of the light and do praying in your private space, and not take decisions for any group of people – why do Trump CARE if immigrants are eating cats or dogs…personally, i’m even a little amused by the thought of it, eventho it is unsettling to think of it – BUT WHY is it so important FOR HIM to STOP IT ALL – THEY ALL NEED LSD!!

A: Have you ever met an MLM person? These are people who order their soap online. They do not drink, they do not use drugs, they do not use MEDICINE. These are people who honestly think the word “detox” means something scientific. These are Pinks in the truest sense, the last remaining squares in a world where everybody thinks they’re hip. The dudes eat raw organ meat because cooking is too gay, and the women wear long denim skirts they made themselves for extra humility points.

These are who they talk about when they talk about “Real America”: the fucking marks who buy into the grift. And they keep buying, to avoid ever, EVER, admitting it was an error at any point.

Q: I take that back…they might not need LSD – but, sure as hell, they need to unhinge themselves! They need to find the holy slack-grail – which i suspect i have at some point gulped down, for i see a whole other way to perceive reality, here

Why do they sit in offices and contemplate about all those things, the Women doing abortions for just naming ONE EXAMPLE – why do they step up from bed in the morning to lead-on a crusade of politics and political endeavors ln a BIG SENSE OF THINGS

PS: I just checked on google what “Unhinged” meant – and that was not what i meant (but it might be, too, a good idea for them to do with themselves – might lead to a swell day of a life they lead)

What i thought unhinged meant, was to DETACH yourself from something, to DROP OUT!
As in: Turn On Tune In And Drop Out..

A: The bootlickers will always lick the boot. The bootlickers will always find somebody TO wear the boot. As long as the upline is happy and the downline is buying, nobody cares what misery exists in the world.