Before you start caring about the environment you should start caring about getting some true slack…in that order – and take it from that angle, rather than going the misguided route towards what enslaves you, takes your slack – before start, before anything, you should break on through to the other side and kill the father fuck the mother– that comes first…take the drug and induce the change to slack-mode – become permanently slacked, then just follow that path of least resistance; SLACKED

BUT, in this world you can’t really break on through, at least not here in Sweden – it’s just two cars and house, dog and children – in Sweden you’re looked after like by your LOVING parents… but, parents are subtle murderers that murder with a smile – to break on through to the other side, and Kill the Father Fuck The Mother, is something like embarking on a psychedelic trip, something TOTALLY CONDEMED by the Con is Sweden – Sweden is, at base, a GENUINE CONSPIRACY-LAND – there’s no escape from the con, THE POLICE is in position to keep the sheep in check..

BUT AMERICA, on the other hand, so lacking too much from what signifies Sweden – America is TOTALLY off track.. USA is a police-state-fascism – while most swedes trust the government, in US you can’t even trust the governement to want you to strive and succeed:

Because, the subsidence by the American government against it’s own people – was clear already in the 70s – just look at the picture, here, from the students protesting American wars at campuses, THEN HAVING THE POLICE ACTUALLY KILLING SOME PROTESTORS:

This pic speaks in volumes, the whole thing with counter-forces killing students on campuses, AND the picture says more than words – it speaks out about how the American government doesn’t have any TRUE notion, or EVEN POSSESSES any TRUE comprehension of what the value is FOR ONE *SINGLE* LIFE– on this fucking planet. What a singe simple life is worth – they’re fascists, America IS a fascism. They are literally treating their own people like cattle being lead all the way to slaughter

I mean, them cops, MURDERING; free people who want to live their lives– if i were to speak for myself, i would find it very hard to even give-off punishment or be aggressive, towards ANYONE- why would i do such a thing, i’m a sensitive person

BUT those cops, actually gunning down LIVING PEOPLE, just think about, for a minute if you will, the IMMENSE VALUE of ONE single life

To do that, what they do; KILL- i mean they would have to possess some sort of SARDONIC MIND