I’ve heard of some phenomenon reoccurring in china – where young mad males get down on their luck, lose much money, lose their girl, etc etc. Then in an act of frustration an despair they take it out on the public – like driving their cars into a crowd of people, or just stabbing some random person, like a kid, a little girl (heard about it on that “The China Show” on YT)

AND, if that’s how they react from loosing money on some crypto-deal– HOW THE FUCK DO THEY THINK I FEEL, HOW THE FUCK AM I DOING, THEN?!!

Let me say THIS: I have had to spiral pretty far downwards– TO END UP AT THE SAME LEVEL AS EVERYBODY ELSE!

It’s first now when i have become a negative, insensate creep – that i’ve come to understand how everybody else were perceiving the world, back so many years ago while i was A HUMAN CREATURE OF SPLENDOR, OF SLACK – first NOW do i understand why no one could understand me, because their senses was LACKING SLACK, LACKING THE FIRE BLACING STRONG WITH ULTIMATE SLACK, and incapable to see from a funky mindset – they said i was TOO MUCH, BAH – it was THEM WHO WERE TOO LITTLE, i was TOO MUCH HUMAN..