When you ACTUALLY tune in to CON-MEDIA, and, also, take a good look at the world… Everything going on just ANSWERS TO MY POINT, MORE – my point that THE CON is real– I MEAN; WHO ARE THEY???
How can humans be this DARK – how can you hurt ANYONE/ANYTHING, why?? And, LIKE HUMANS MAKING TESTINGS ON ANIMALS, CRUEL GRUESOME LABORATORY TESTINGS, ON POOR ANIMALS– WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE, what planet are THEY ON?? Seems the entire world is overrun by SLACKLESS, INSENSATE, DARK MEDIOCRETINS/NORMALS/EARTHLINGS, with no REAL NOTION OF THE EARTH THEY LIVE ON, NO SLACK, NO SOULS– GODLESS WORMS, GREED AND HATE – how can people be so brainwashed, that they cant see, can’t find their way back to a reality TOTALLY GROOVY AND SLACKFUL??
My point: Who are ALL THESE FREAKS!? How can anyone NOT FEEL, how can anyone NOT HAVE ANY FEELINGS–?? how can a person be MEAN, why, and how can anyone be that CRUEL, to deliberately attack or ACT OUT OF ANIMOSITY, to hurt and devour anything, why not rather just SLACK OFF, ENJOY, just in a pleasant mood from APPRECIATION OF BEING ALIVE, PURE JOY OF LIFE, free by one’s own free-spirit– what kind of lives do they live, these freaks– LIKE, WHAT ARE PUTIN UP TO A NIGHT LIKE THIS, WHAT MAKES HIM LAUGH, is he getting SLACK? How can you JUST KILL, TAKE LIFE?? Who do even believe in WARS?? Who, honestly, can’t see that NATURE/MOTHER-EARTH, holds the grass-roots for a rejuvenated, serene, free mind. That there’s another side of reality, in natures embrace, far from slackless political leaders and SLACKLESSNESS AS A WHOLE – and with slackfulness, of earth, comes a free mind, a WAY OF LIFE which is THE TRUE, RIGHT WAY TO LIFE..
Seems the CON really ain’t getting any TRUE-SLACK – so, what are they living for..?
They are really that far over the hill – they’ve honestly LOST IT ALL, every last notion of slackfulness, has departed from their souls– like PAINFUL ANIMAL TESTINGS– those people, for example, are all INSENSATE, SLACKLESS AND INSANE – and it’s SAD, we’re living in a CRUEL and SAD WORLD, no one getting ultimate-slack…
Like Edward Abbey speak of, in this cut-up interview of 4 recorded interviews, all reflecting upon the great RAPE of the EARTH – and how mankind, in fact, is EVIL – i mean, the American Indians had it right:
The main question remains: WHY OH WHY?? What have they done to the earth?? What have they done to our fair sister?? When did man lose RESPECT to such a degree, that they ENDED UP CREATING A WORLD AS THIS?? When did man decide to tie the earth down with FENCES, to URBANIZE and create a world not FANCY AND GESCHWINT??
The world SHOULD be more pretty, man has, kind of, stopped treating MOTER EARTH WITH A LOVE, just getting that ultimate slack
Man can’t feel for nature with a PASSIONATE LOVE, utterly LOVE EARTH:
What have they done to the earth, yeah?
What have they done to our fair sister?
Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her
Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn and
Tied her with fences and dragged her down
Man is lost in a romance – and working is pure BS– life shouldn’t be working, should actually be ANYTHING BUT working – like when you stay at home not working, DOING WHAT YOU WANT TO, you are depriving THE CON of that power – creating your OWN, own way of life..
Man can’t even perceive the world right, man should BE IN LOVE, utterly in LOVE, with the entire planet – just, like a pixie dance down that pavement, as he just laugh out from pure excitement about EVERYTHING, that he’s alive – like Nietzsche said; “The general person can’t understand the person just laughing from JOY. With teared eyes being utterly happy–JUST FROM LIVING…the general man gets suspicious of the person who got no real reason to be happy, YET IS”- ordinary men are not awake