I wrote something on Flashback..

I addressed a plausible hypothesis…that maybe we are all working way more than we actually should, or would, need to – BUT, that we are forced to work at the present rate because of a romance amongst mankind to reach a future-now-state..

You get what im saying..? I mean, mankind in the modern age might actually be pushed into a work-system of development-towards-an-unseen-goal – MAYBE we could just forget about mankind’s utopia (an utopia we have totally lost along the way, anyway, to some sort of Walmart-madness) and all hitch that soultrain towards a free life in forever primitivity and an death to time and man’s yearning– TO INSTEAD WORK FOR ONLY YOU-SELF, not for this society’s-dream–IN SOME SORT OF ANARCHY OF MOTHER EARTH, instead we are working for selling mother earth – and that might be a little more-work, at a more steady and prolonged rate…but because we are forced into the grand lie, we all are pushed onto a schedule of work that might not be represented for simply LIVING A RICH LIFE, i mean getting THAT TOTAL SLACK, in life–simply that slack and that LUXURY OF LIVING a human-life on earth – instead we have destroyed the utopia and ruined the dream of PARADISE ON EARTH–and maybe we are all working, MORE THAN NEEDED, just to help push that grand lie ON…that we are all BUMS, digging through societies dumpsters hysterically to find a pink gadget of a dream/a-romance, we will never get – like peasants forced into a future-now-mediocrity of working at an un-true-standard of work…

I mean…WHY, is the work-week (why is even a week a week..?) 8h/day 5days/week — WHY that particular schedule….SUPPOSE, if there would be “an actual true-reality” where as the work-week SHOULD & WOULD be 7h/day 4days/week….what if?? Then that would mean we have all lost the lottery…what if we all can’t recall the times we cried, and can’t see ourselves working 1h too much per day & 1day too much per week, because we have no reference to this “True-reality”–when that reality could and should BE, in fact..

But then again, why live on the con-side of reality, altogether..? Why not go the satanistic route and live free without going to prison…like breaking on through to the other side..

Like: If a Prostitute/sex-worker, would need to suck 25cocks per day to make a living…but what if there could have been a world where she only needed to suck 4 cocks per day…? i mean; WHAT MAKES UP THE STANDARD OF LABOR?? But then again, maybe she only would need to KISS 25 men, to make a living, but that’s another story altogether…maybe we wouldn’t need to wage-slave at all…maybe we could all work just a-little – what if we all survived from fishing – but could sell a fish for gold buying us a TV set.. If all humans would live simpler then maybe we would all actually all live more advanced subsistence’s, in a more superior culture of slack..

NOT TO MENTION THE PINKS!! – They are even more bums than fucking Joe-Junkie, at least he roams the street for a fix – but they are brainwashed into the romance, they would probably work 120h weeks–TO AFFORD FRED FLINTSTONE’S BEDROCK-FERRARI FOR 5 MILLION DOLLARS–if that was the natural way.. BUMS!! 

We are all forced to work – but maybe we wouldn’t need to work at THIS rate…