“Today is the age of the heroes, who live for us and through whom we experience the heights and depths of emotion. The spectator is a dying animal and the purgation of emotion is left up to the actor, not the audience.”

Take the nature of that that old remark, by Jim Morrison – and think about it for a moment…ISN’T HE RIGHT, isn’t this entire society AT SLEEP?? Isn’t the spectator just a sleeping bipedalist??

This world is put under a spell, by the Con, to be subdued to a world/society, UNDER CONTROL– ISN’T THAT WHY WE GOT THE POLICE FORCE-!? Simply to keep outrageous and absurd chaos from happening, like someone stepping out of the spectator-role, to do something crazy, something utterly joyous just for having life, like a manifestation of pure joy of existing- shake off the role of spectator, to climb upon the stage and DO SOMETHING, of sorts..

To live the entire life just spectating – not be one of the heroes; someone doing something WEIRD, something UNUSUAL AND OUTRAGEOUS – to live the entire life subdued to a role as spectator and modest mouse, seems like such a waste – to keep in your cage, never breaking out, to go do SOMETHING CRAZY, something heartfelt and HUGE. Rather than that we follow the rules like sheep, never failing, all real clean and pretty AND SLEEPING CATTLE slowly being lead to slaughter, reaching for the end of a candle, trying for something that’s already found us – SEE, no one GOT ANYTHING TO LOSE – go on a frenzy, indulge in SLACK, in JOY, in LIFE – LIVE IT UP, and laugh that con to hell – WHY WERE WE BORN??

Like Jim Morrison said, we live in the age of heroes – people are just wandering through life as sleeping, never to do something CRAZY, we leave that up to the heroes on the stage as we merely spectate, sleeping.. Like Nietzsche said, i’m paraphrasing, something to extent of: “Whatever you do, GO UNDER! For then at least you have not lived in vain, you blazed like a comet through a dark starry night”:

And everything is suppressed that way – that you’re not suppose, or allowed, to be and do anything beyond being a spectator, out of line, even if it hurts no one – for example, it’s illegal to drink alcohol in public – no one really do anything that breaks the spell, and we all want it that way, we’re all wearing masks – we don’t want to lose that mask, we’re afraid to be who we truly are – because we’re all living under the spell of the con, a hypnosis, living in a romance…our parents puts the spell onto us children, from the day we’re born – we are all forced into a lie, and man is destroying the world, and that’s how it’s suppose to be – but as we die, we have only experienced the role of sleeper…just been spectating and kept a modest life of staying on the hook of the con, not going under, going all up to the ledge, to see it all, to gaze upon the world and our lives – fact is, that the vast majority of people never even experience psychedelic drugs, they are all stuck in the mold – because; Reality is for people who can’t face drugs – they never learn to see everything as new, reborn and WOKEN..

It’s a waste of life to just sleep, and spectate – work, eat, sleep, raise offspring, and keep modest, afraid of drugs, of making mistakes – we never get to experience another side of reality – MANKIND IS EVIL!

What difference does it makes how much wealth, or power, you have accumulated when you die – what matters are how MAD/CRAZY AND OUTRAGEOUS LIFE YOU HAVE LIVED! How much crazy shenanigans you have performed – how much ON THE EDGE, you’ve been, HOW WEIRD AND UNUSUAL LIFE’S BEEN, and never the less; HOW SLACKFUL EVERYTHING’S BEEN – THE SLACKFACTOR YOU’VE ACQUIRED!

Who cares, to just sleep and spectate the heroes on the stage!? Is that how we want to live???

We are all forced into a lie, we are the weed destroying the world, now hour by hour – this world is a huge SHIP OF FOOLS, and the police are the sheep herders… We have entered the reality of the-already-dead..


As i wrote in my Blog-post later than this post; “If the police are degenerates?”

If we would assume that the police force exists for hindering/stopping individuals from stepping out of the role as sleeping bipedalist SPECTATOR, oppressing OUTRAGEOUS or at least expressions that appear as LOONIE AND STRANGE, WILD – as Jim Morrison said;

Then look on the average COP– that cop, lives his life JUST LIKE THAT; in his private life he is only asleep, a SPECTATOR, he has gotten the same cards in life, as living in the natural way our society happen to work– SO– SO…That means you are prevented from stepping upon the stage, as a way of speaking– if THE COP, is living in that role, as almost everyone does–HE will naturally handle anything/everything by that same CODE – he will naturally try his best to keep you asleep, keep you in that VIRTUES RULE to not lay down the role as spectator to actually live by the role of HERO.. The cop will base his actions from a consideration of looking inwards himself – and hence he will DEPRIVE YOU FROM BEING *THE HERO*

BREAK ON THROUGH TO THE OTHER SIDE – REPENT, QUIT YOUR JOB, SLACK OFF….what difference does it make, what difference does anything make??