Think about it; working, or not working, a con-job– isn’t it: It’s about not living in the reality of the con, as a whole…reject all CON-BS and rise up to shake hand with Wakan Tanka, MOVE upon/over the hunting grounds of Slack, of “Bob” – out with that miserable reality– meta-morph the mind with mind-altering substances to journey-through to the other side, and IGNORE/SHUN, so one can live in that seldom tranquility of TRUE-ZEN- and i see nature as a source to that ZEN…BASE LIFE SOLELY ON THAT; NATURE’S ZEN..
AND, to not bury the thought in superfluous crap, like gossip – NOT EVEN CARING WHAT OTHER DO/DON’T-DO – here in Sweden there’s a saying; “Mind your own and don’t care about others, that’s the best way to wander” – how could you free your mind if you’re concerning yourself with the latest gossip of another human, for some unfortunate scandal, it just drags the mind into an unhealthy arena filling the memory bank with dark matter:
– “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
FREE YOUR MIND – FLEE FROM…EVERYTHING – kick the entire world out, and just GET ZEN, re-connect with nature – and keep it real simple, be a simple boy/girl – have a Positive Mental Attitude– AND YOU WILL FLY…SLOW DOWN, DUMB-DOWN AN OVER-ACTIVE CON-BRAIN, CON-BE-GONE– NOW; ZEN!
Slow down, stop being anal and angry, get slack and take it as it comes – just drift through life…
Take the highway to the end of the night…