Why do reality NEED to be so harsh – WHY can’t reality be gay and cuddly, sweet and slackful?

WHY must everything be so hard and hurting – why can’t everyone just instantly transform to FEEBLE MINDS just tender and slack-appreciate and stupid–just living for nothing, nothing but kicking back and groove, feel groovy – everyone are so harsh and serious?

WHY can’t everyone just take it gently with everything, not paying an anal attention to anything, stay in bed and feel cozy and sound and free?

There’s something i can’t relate to.. Maybe it’s because i haven’t spent my life working a 9-5; that i have relaxed much, been fropping and chillin’ and lived alone in a void made up by the finest brand of SLACK.

Our civilization is fundamentally a misconception of meaning and form, lacking greatly in SLACK, hence concept/sense for creating something *CUTE*, and conduct a civilization truly flourishing with culture, aesthetics, sense, and generally house a happy gay citizen

We have forgotten something; That we could all hit the OFF-BUTTON, of sorts, and live without the con pushing us forth…and then just live free– on the OTHER SIDE, SLOW AND UTTERLY SLACKED..

Our civilization could be a GAY SCIENCE, A FLOURISHING CULTURE – WHY MUST THE CON, THE CON’S REALITY, BE SOO DAMN BLEAK, and serious and anal and hard on one’s emotions, why can’t EXISTENCE BE FULL OF FLOURISHING SLACK, just overwhelming slack, the whole world decorated by every man’s personal, HYPER-PRESENT, SLACK-FACTOR – a man so stupid, so full of a groovy, fuzzy sense for the world, that he creates something PRETTY, SOMETHING BY A NEARSIGHTED PERCEPTION; JUST PRETTY AND, LIKE; WITH WOOLY COTTON BRAINS OF INFANCY, starts to focus entirely on the spiritual aspect of the world – and builds his tiny little place, of haven from the maelstrom, A COZY, FUZZY AND WARM PLACE…treat the world as a GARDEN OF EDEN, builds, in a slacked and stupid perception, A PARADISE, FROM EVERYTHING– LIVING A SLACKED LIFE, BEYOND THE CON? In my mind, something that’s been tweaked into my perception from the use of psychedelics, THE WORLD IS PECULIAR AND FUZZY AND WARM FROM SPIRITUAL-PRESENCE, NOT BLEAK AT ALL!

In my mind i see another world, where people all do the things i do, and THINKS LIKE ME – and in that world, believe me everything is better– perhaps lazy and less productive, but soo much more spiritual and pretty and GESCHWINT, more frivolous and GROOVY, a sweeter world to move around in– EASY STREET ON EVERY CORNER, sailing under a serpent sun in a mild breeze, and so on, UTTER FREEDOM of the MIND – utter pleasure, NO ANAL JERKS CAUSING ANYONE DISTRESS– NO HATE, just a cuddly and sweet existence of BEING GROOVY, BEING STUPID, LIVING IN MENTAL MYOPIA..

BUT, the world is not cute and cuddly and sweet, THE REALITY IS OF A HARSH KIND, it’s serious and full of hurt and butt-hurt haters, that comes along to piss on that tangerine dream – the world is not CUTE/CUDDLY, and aesthetically-pleasing, and the men/women are not GAY and full on AMOUR FATI

A world where man is free, takes responsibility to be FREE IN SPIRIT, to have what makes up a SLACKED OPEN MIND to be GAY, by themselves, not be HORRIBLE MONSTERS – if they so must QUIT THEIR JOBS AND SNOOZE IN BED ALL DAY– i’d rather see that- i want to DREAM, snooze

It would be better to just ignore IT ALL…and just do, like Duke and Dr Gonzo when they head out on a drug-frenzy in LAS VEGAS – focus not on the small-picture– but truly just blast away, leave the entire world for a journey going inside, on an individual observatory, no judging–just observe and live–like going out on a fishing trip by some ancient lake, open a beer and just dream oneself gone from all superfluous stuff – isolated from the general consensus, all matters

Like Lennon and Uno when they did their bed-protest – everyone should just click the OFF button, enter THE OTHER SIDE

If, only, people could be– a little more…HAPPY GO LUCKY! It’s just as if no one is feelin’ groovy, anymore, no one has Turned On Tuned In & Dropped Out, all the hippies are gone..

Instead we got people blasting children to smithereens, and desperate assholes, war mongers and HATEFUL COALITIONS OF INSANE MONSTERS…no one can just GO HAPPY, THUS LUCKY – where has the old ideas of the HIPPIES GONE– the world seem like such a dark world, all of a sudden..

DEVO was right, when they said; “I believe a darkness has descended over mankind”

Where are all the dancing daffodils, the pleasure of living merely and reconnect with nature and just soak in the grooviness of the natural world, like in the summer of love, people into ZEN Buddhism and such stuff– the FUCKING; HAPPY GO LUCKY, PEOPLE, where did the warm fuzzy world go?

When did that dream stopped, when did humanity awake from that dream, to such a terrible gloomy morning..