THIS! I need to go FURTHER on this:


I wrote this on Fedi:

Lest we forget, the American Government was ACTUALLY totally serious when they produced them; ‘Hygienic Poster-Family’ paper and film adverts, a.s.o, as them PERFECT FAMILY VIDS they propagated in the 40s, 50s

That just goes to tell you a little about the institution which is Society, when the rulers put out such a misguided reflection of life on PLANET EARTH

Along with them anti-marijuana videos – i mean, lest we forget: THEY ACTUALLY MADE IT, that’s how they were, then…how are they now..?

I don’t think that’s what it was, they were still needing to argue that capitalism is a preferable lifestyle to communism, and the communists had a very specific visual style. It wasn’t until the Reagan era that they were no longer obligated to actually argue something.

I have to remember this when I talk to Boomers, they have forgotten that the propaganda did, at one point, serve an actual dialectic purpose.

YES, OK, but then it goes, a-little, to tell you – how a society can be figured, needing to actually FIGHT OTHER IDEOLOGIES

I mean, just as i mentioned, that they/we need to turn nature, to such a BIG extent, into ESTABLISHMENT..ยจ

It’s called “The United States” – they just grabbed the land from the Indians and made states, an establishment, like we, the white man, always do– AND MAYBE WE SHOULD, i just think we could have made the world a hell-a-lot differently, made a prettier place, a place a little more ROMANTIC (BECAUSE there’s nothing *really* ROMANTIC about The Con)..

on the road towards governing nature, we could have moved in a more psychedelic emotion, I’D SAY – let ourselves be GAY AND MERRY about our lives and how we think – man COULD have created a more whimsical world, just look on what man has made out of Urbanization– HE HAS MADE AN INSENSATE CITY, man SHOULD HAVE held back on creating everything with such a CLINICAL, non-whimsical and NOT BEING BY A FEEBLE-YET-GAY-&-LUSTY MIND! Mankind could have had A PSYCHEDELIC MIND– BUT MAN DIDN’T DO PSYCHEDELICS, he drank alcohol – HENCE man IS BLIND, can’t DREAM IN HIS CREATION, of a truly romantic world, a COZY DREAM, a SLOW, RELAXED DREAM, OF SLACK, OF COLOR AND PLAYFULNESS – against his STERN, ANAL, HARD PERCEPTION TOWARDS CREATING A CREATION, the URBAN WORLD ain’t; “no upwardly mobile freeway Oh no, this is the road, this is the road, this is the road to hell” – “Bob” has gone over everyone’s heads, they have TOTALLY MISSED OUT ON “BOB”, ON SLACK, ALL FOR PUSHING FORTH THE WORLD OF HELL – when the gate, to the other side, is all HIGH DEEP AND WIDE!

. He can’t let go of the wagon/cart, to enter the PSYCHEDELIC DREAM-STATE– AND become ONE with nature, to create a world of less STRAIGHTNESS! MORE IN A ROMANTIC SENSE, more in sync with a calm and earth-leveled sense…

i’m saying it again; WHY do man feel he need, as a political leader-suit-n-tie-man, fight against other conflicting ideologies– WHY do we even have these IDEOLOGIES– WHY can’t man rather just venture deeper into THE SLACK VOID, to just settle in his nest, an do; cooking, reading, painting, watching TV, dreaming, planning, loving, ALL IN THAT PSYCHEDELIC SHORT-PERCEPTION; that dropped out sense of sensing ONESELF ONLY AND UTTERLY, IN A PSYCHEDELIC SPLENDOR OF A DREAM-STATE, A ROMANTIC WAY TO LIVE, it’s like mankind is TOO SMART – to venture into the AURA OF NATURE AND JUST ENJOY AND LIVE AND LET LIVE.. Not create, like a cancer, but rather than that go MICRO in the perception, to see nature, find himself, THAT’S WHAT MAN SHOULD DO, AND QUIT HIS DAY-JOB TO PURSUE THE SLACK-REALITY – “For if the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to men as it is–INFINITE”

to lose oneself in the little nesting, hole you crawl into to read or tinker, watch some good movie in the glow of the light, nestled-in and absent from the great wide world– no news, no attachments to the con – lose and drift away, like in a world of total-slack– TO JUST STAY IN THE HAVEN FROM THE MAELSTROM..

Maybe the sense i’m addressing, would mean you would need to dumb yourself down, to lose IT ALL, have that world just slip through the hands of your mental, like sand through the hands – and become a simple, feeble little freespirit, a SHORT-WAY-PERCEPTION, to dumb your mind down and see only YOUR ART, YOUR DINNER, THE SHOW ON THE SCREEN OR MUSIC (that you taken time and passion in, as you drift, drift and dream), READING THAT BOOK, and get lost in *THAT*– to totally drop out from THE CON you might need DRUGS, might need to become SUPER-STUPID, DUMB-FREE, to stop perceiving that anti-slack-world of HELL – i can’t even see why you would delve into that SENSE of the mental, to lose all that positivism and stop the short-way of perceiving reality… start looking at others or start judging and comprehend superfluous gossip, or think “long” kind of like THINKING AT ALL, or such stuff SYNONYMOUS WITH CON-DOCTRINE, and NOT TRY TO GET AWAY FROM *THAT*, AND THE GRIND– the GRIND was just something made up so that you wouldn’t GET SLACK! But what universal rule is there to NOT GET, like SAYING “YOU SHOULDN’T GET, SLACK!” OF COURSE YOU SHOULD GET MASSIVE SLACK!

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