If mankind, stretching-on back into time/history, of mankind’s civilization, would have had MY MIND– influenced by the psychedelic perception of earth-&-all – THE WORLD would not have been directly built and shaped from a notion of creating all solely in a MOST-EFFECTIVE-ASPECT, thus raising cities of buildings, or whatnot, as effective..

Man has been like a worker-ant – and an ant-hive is not really anything worth inventing, worthy of mankind’s efforts – it’s kind of lame by comparison – compared to the kind of world that would evoke from MY DREAM!

With my, more psychedelic perceptive – i see a different world–ALTOGETHER: More, much much more attention would have been attained to every singe detail–of a TOTALLY SPIRITUAL, more SLOW-EFFORT of attaining SHERE BEAUTY – mankind would have been taken-a-back to use his attention for the SPIRITUAL aspect– TO AN EXTREME – man would have been much LESS EFFECTIVE in making a civilization– BUT, rather than effective, would have had a completely different perception of E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G..

See, i’m not against the modern way of life or civlization – BUT i want to be free – and that is the hardest thing.. I would like to approach earth from a different mindset – a more lazy world, more playful and FUNKY, PSYCHEDELIC APPROACH..

Imagine a world under mother earth’s rule– THAT, is freedom

IMAGINE, a world of nature’s chaotic reality reigning over everything – to live like the American Indians lived, live in a sense permeated by that world of Praying to the spirits, DANCING and live like children of earth, a world utterly permeated by spirituality, where everything is spiritual, all is sacred– WHERE MAN as that frame of mind, that perception of reality–TO LOOK TO *THAT* ASPECT-OF-HOLINESS, in all he creates – to LOVE his own modern world, in a way it shows and not just GRAY CITIES OF STEEL, OF CONCRETE – LOOK AT ALL THE TERROR IN THE WORLD TODAY– it’s perverse; killing children, where is the noble man, NOW? Man refuses to master the art of HARMONY – mankind doesn’t live for THE SACRED WAY OF EARTH, GOD IS DEAD! WE HAVE KILLED GOD! Mankind is lost in darkness, it’s a dystopic world of lost GLEE, LOST JOY, and man is a WORKER IN VAIN– BREAK ON THROUGH TO THE OTHER SIDE! We must all make that PERSONAL-REVOLUTION – KILL THE FATHER FUCK THE MOTHER, AWAKE AND LIVE YOUR OWN WAY – FUCK THE TOIL, live a life you can love, fuck the conspiracy, taek it back from the con, TODAY:


BUT, then again, who would like to live in a primitive world…no one.. So, make the world SOMETHING MORE – by deviating from the falsehood of Politics and Religion – Back to nature– TOWARDS “BOB”!

But, the issue as i see it- is that man has deviated himself TOO FAR in ONE PARTICULAR direction, culturewise, that loses out on ZEN; a world deprived of culture & beauty – going too far off from the true path

Man is LOST IN A ROMANCE – our man-world should have been made, going back like 1000 years, towards MORE ZEN, more BEAUTY AND LOVE, man is actually a very hateful creature, very EVIL, just look at ISRAEL! Mankind has made a HUGE MACHINE OF STEEL, mankind are all FOOLS, it’s SO EASY to do right!

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