I’ve been thinking – on that idea the old American Indians had, when they interpret THE AIR as being SACRED – AND, to think of it, if we are surrounded by something SACRED, A SACRED AURA IN EVERYTHING, COVERING EVERYTHING — am i the only one who feel an uplifting force from that thought, to feel the whole world actually, almost like literally, TRANSFORMING, at least metaphysical, making everything feels more IDYLLIC.. THE AIR, as sacred, i mean that makes me question EVERYTHING, hence the INKY CLOUDS OF NEBULA so many light-years away, is really all equally SACRED, MYSTERIOUS, this is in fact NOT a trivial planet, all is a mystery, it’s just that man has lost his mind: STUCK IN A ROMANCE.

And in a way i’m contented by the thought of dying, from this subjective thought of everything being sacred, as i choose to breath the sacred air, stay in it, IN LOVE WITH ALL *THIS* – still i am fine with whatever happens, i’m happy FOR THIS MOMENT, being in this sacred world…all i need is this moment, and the only thing to live for IS TODAY..

I feel I’m having a hard time explaining what i mean – BUT, like, if the AIR is sacred, we are also sacred as we exists isolated inside the air, inside a sacred VOID-OF-COSMOS, this earth so unique so sacred, everything becomes almost like a THICK AIR, an OILY NIGHT, and SLACKFUL– like a cartoon world, like i rambled on about in the post prior this this; THE SHROOMY STATE OF MIND..

As some SUBG said, like; “Every home is a sacred place, every couch a kingdom worth defending to death”.. YOUR HOME IS A SACRED PLACE – EVERYTHING IN THIS F-ING WORLD, is sacred – start seeing everything accordingly, start living like everything has a sacred spirit – WAKE UP AND TURN THE ON-BUTTON TO ‘ON’– you are living in a sacred world, everything is sacred! TURN ON TUNE IN AND SLACK OFF! Life is too short to not get slack – “Don’t let yourself live to be 90 with only 10 years worth of slack”..

That leads me to another thought– LIKE: THE USA – When MAN conquered The Land, which was to become USA – They never consider the earth, the way it was, something SACRED, NOT to cut up into squarish-pieced and call them “STATES” – like, man has always been prone to make the natural world into establishment, not to make a world that, like; MARRIES with the natural-sacred-nature– FOR: EVEN if this is what WE WANT, man has still lost *SOMETHING*, in the progress man has lost track of *SOMETHING* – man has BEEN WRONG, in what he has been doing…

Just look at how man made The States (it’s even in THE NAME; “THE UNITED STATES”..) – he didn’t look upon earth from the right MINDSET – man has made a HUGE MISTAKE, in EVERYTHING, he/she has not focused on any SACRED ASPECT OF EARTH – he has not made ‘his-world’ to marry the natural, cosmic, sacred, THE PHENOMENAL-NATURE, not even met in his perception somewhere in halfway of the sphere– HE HAS GONE HI WIRE WRONG, TOTALLY ASKEW!

MAN HAS MADE A WORLD LIKE A HUGE MISTAKE, not in correspondence to anything SACRED…which i’ve been rambling about several times: “THE FOR AND HIND-BRAIN” – Man is SMART, but not PLAYFUL, GAY OR EVEN ALIVE….asleep, lost in a romance, stuck in the grind, toiling for the lie of man..