People: Too Smart, to establish a life OF HARMONY?
Imagine, if you will…a WORLD, WHICH IN; If EVERYONE, alive on earth RIGHT NOW – would all ASSENT TO, and to an equal extent meta morph in-to, a notion about EVERY THING; such as contemporary affairs, looking globally, as including those people’s NOTION OF EVERYTHING – politics and the faith of earth and destiny of […]
To LIVE AND DIE all in The Process of ADORING EARTH!?
WHY!!? WHY, doesn’t the white man simply ADORE earth?? What other notion-to-life, to living, IS THERE than to just go as you live – AND to not look UP to the far space, but rather LOOK DOWN, for a perspective of something to hold as SACRED, right where you are?? When you LOOK DOWN, and […]
The Con’s Cause Of Waging WAR = AN ILLUSION??
Was listening to the old Bob Marley song “War” (link above)… And he mentions, like; “And not until there’s WORLD-CTIZENSHIP”.. That gave me an epiphany, hear me out, seekers: To be, like a citizen of THE WORLD – wouldn’t that be enough, for any/every man/woman? To just live by a whole other perception; the kind […]
Hmmm, let’s see if i can put this in, not too lacking layman terms – my only literally ability; SEMI-ILLITERATE.. LET’S FACE THE SIMPLE FACT, HERE, WHICH IS: You wont live forever, fact is; life is pretty short – SO get slack while you even CAN, what do you want YOUR LIFE to be, what […]
A Reign Of Femininity = A Better World?
Who would wanna live in a world of steel – when you can live in a world of SLACK?? A more Feminine world – see, this MAN’S WORLD is hard and straight like STEEL – perhaps a more Feminine world would be more a SOLACE for every human person – more of the sensual, more […]
Sick of The Construction – Searching For A Serene, Green, Campfire Scene, And A Can of Beans
I know, my entire blog i keep mentioning this theory that man’s brain isn’t dumb, very very smart– although that it lacks in a whole other regard, like a SMART-STEW, tasting good – only could taste in OTHER SUBLIME WAYS, if there wasn’t lacking some ingredients of ANOTHER KIND – so, here, i go AGAIN: […]
Egoism: A Noble Trait, Of Life Affirmation & SLACK!
If i can live my life, being all-so EGOSTIC; as to the point i can make my life without working – i would, i see no MORALITY, i see no good or evil, respectively EVIL IN SLACKING ETERNALLY; NOT WORKING AT ALL.. I DON’T SEE, this world that mankind has worked SO HARD FOR, to […]
What kind of World IS THIS!?: A WORLD OF STEEL!
It’s like… To embark on a 7 hour mushroom trip – it’s like discovering Neither World, like the sensual world; MOTHER EARTH, NATURE– SOFTENING-UP THE BRAIN, gives a perceived notion of a TENDER AND SPIRITUAL WORLD…to re-consider your “Ways To Live” – to find your standing alone, your own egoistic solace, KICKING EVERYTHING ELSE OUT, […]
Having Nature Filling THE VOID – Hence Live A Simple life FULFILLED BY NATURE, Turn to Nature
As an old acid-head(or shroom-head, whatever, i’ve actually only done shrooms) – i don’t, EVEN, agree to the very notion on which THIS WORLD is founded, i see no SLACK IN IT… i live differently, i got a different perception of reality – i’m soo far away from this planet, this world…I’m living a simple […]
Well, i walk down the streets of Civilization..
THIS IS BY FAR THE STRANGEST LIFE I’VE EVER KNOWN. I mean, WHERE AM I- HOW DID I END UP ON EARTH, with the sun and moon- and what IS this place, what IS the universe?? like, is there anything else than the universe? this reality is the only thing ive EVER KNOWN, AND THEN […]
Psychedelic Perception = A Gain, More – more of “Bob”s Sex-Magic?
WHY isn’t mankind capable of designing his world, world of STEEL, as a world of a SELDOM-BEAUTY, PSYCHEDELIC AESTETHICS, a softness of NATURE, as his sole solace- man has strayed from experimenting with his senses/mind – and never GAINED anything GOOD as a result, respectively LOST something BAD; like a need to evaluate EVERY TINY […]
If a person KNOWS he/she IS ALIVE, totally aware that he/she IS ALIVE- that person got a whole other PASTURE/METHOD IN HOW HE MOVES, SITS, WALKS– THINKS! that person is like a gleeful child, when he/she knows this – because WAKING UP, and realizing you’re alive–IS A STATE OF MIND, almost ALL PEOPLE, are YET […]
I’m starting to get pretty FED UP with these kind of EVIL “SUPER-EMPIRES”, IN THIS *WORLD OF STEEL* – managing their nations on a massive scale, cityscapes so far from any children’s story-book, saga; NOTHING DIVINE– an industrial monstrosity, where key-ingredients such as; AESTHETICS, SPIRITUALITY, ARTISTRY, has been long gone, fading along the wake-waters– THEM […]
You can’t break a broken heart..
As far as i’m concerned, i’m living, now, in my AFTER-LIFE…the life i lived when i was, like, from; 20-25 years old, up to 30, was my first life – i was strong, i was healthy i was HAPPY, then – NOW, i’m living my broken dreams.. But, once you’re destroyed and has become a […]
A RANT – About Weed
Am i taking crazy pills, did the Psychedelic stuff do something to my head- FOR, hear me out BECAUSE, mankind can’t, like not capable of, CREATING A WORLD, by this world, being ANY WHIMSICAL- in the true meaning of the word LOOK– LOOK AT THIS WORLD OF MANKIND! It’s really not embellished or meant to […]
To Love Everything To Death- Love It MORE, than Contemporary-Mankind Loves It–Love Disorder, Love Chaos, Evoke Love in this world of HATE..
If mankind, stretching-on back into time/history, of mankind’s civilization, would have had MY MIND– influenced by the psychedelic perception of earth-&-all – THE WORLD would not have been directly built and shaped from a notion of creating all solely in a MOST-EFFECTIVE-ASPECT, thus raising cities of buildings, or whatnot, as effective.. Man has been like […]
Mastodon Q & A: To Be A Simpleton In A Simple World
If everyone were like me, ridden with residue from Psychedelic experiences – the world would be more colorful, more gay, more whimsical, more fruity, more pretty, more primitive–PERHAPS, yes, but soo much PRETTIER and FUN and not THIS hard world, so cruel, this WORLD OF STEEL – man has totally missed out on the psychedelic […]
The world is in chaos, declining by the hour – all the turmoil, destruction, insanity and ugliness – the world in distress, so much ugly terror reign allover and stuff is not hitting for shit, all is shit, actually – it’s a ship going down.. BUT YOU JUST GOT TO FUCKING LOVE IT, MAN! I […]
This World; It’s All Somebody Else’s Idea…
I once wrote something, like: Totally-Romantic is the Only-Thing the world SHOULD BE.. So, here i go again, just to get this little “epiphany” through – about the world of the HUMANS: I say again…think about this world, the people, how they function mentally, but also look at the world….and, now with Israel, Russia, NATO […]
To FLY in A World Where Everyone CRY
When i think about that lyrical piece of that Tom Waits song: “Always keep a diamond in your mind” — it really seem, to me, like MOST PEOPLE has LOST that diamond…..that they have lost *THAT FEELING* – you all know *that* feeling i’m sure…some kind of SLACK.. Yet it seem like most people LACK […]
To ERRADICATE all the Hate, From One’s Own Perception Of Reality – Commence A Brand New Day
There’s a lot of talk about how bad Trump is.. But, let’s address the main-issue, here – Which is, how the white man, throughout history, haven’t taken any psychedelic drugs, like mushrooms or cacti, etc etc– thus mainly been drinking alcohol… THAT’S what’s wrong with the world, as far as i can see – man […]
The Romantic World-View
I feel pretty comfortable living on planet earth – i like this planet! I feel my mind can flow, EARTH FEELS LIKE HOME, not unfamiliar – it’s a divine comedy, sure, and here i am, still living and got my little stuff i do– nothing much, i even have a part-time job (work-therapy actually, 9 […]
Con-God; Watching Your SINS
The phrase “you cannot petition the Lord with prayer” suggests that merely praying to God and asking for specific outcomes or interventions is not effective or sufficient. It implies that simply making requests through prayer does not guarantee that those requests will be granted. This can be interpreted in several ways, including: This phrase is […]
The Iron Cross
The Iron Cross.. Many O’ folks might think of the Nazis when they think of the iron cross – but for myself, and thus peers, it is rather quite something whole-else, something beyond that. I reject the Nazis just as i reject ideology of nationalism I relate to it rather like some symbol of norse-related […]
The Profound Oidipus Metaphor – as Used By Jim Morrison
Jim Morrison, the lead singer of The Doors, interpreted the Oedipus complex as a powerful metaphor for rebellion against societal and familial authority. His use of this psychoanalytic concept, derived from Sigmund Freud’s theory, went beyond its original psychological implications to embody a broader spirit of defiance and liberation. Rebellion Against Familial Authority In Freud’s […]
A Futile Vote, For A Suit-n-Tie MAN
There’s a lot of talk about voting on either presidential candidate – but, PERSONALLY, i agree with John Trudell on the blank vote perspective he had – WHY vote for the lesser evil?? I, personally, doesn’t even believe in voting for either one – just the fact that THEY ARE suit n tie men just […]
Takes a Long Prolonged Derangement Of The Senses, to Reach Higher
Just look, to all things infinite- like, if you start talking like; -“They take our jobs!”, or -“Fucking immigrants!”, or -“Fucking Jews controls everything!” – IF, you start focusing on such things, then you are already FAR GONE, over the hill or whatever – like, being a racist, anti-semite, onto a matter of bigotry, etc–NOT […]
THIS! I need to go FURTHER on this:
I wrote this on Fedi: Lest we forget, the American Government was ACTUALLY totally serious when they produced them; ‘Hygienic Poster-Family’ paper and film adverts, a.s.o, as them PERFECT FAMILY VIDS they propagated in the 40s, 50s That just goes to tell you a little about the institution which is Society, when the rulers put […]
The Many Ways, In HOW Man Has Been WRONG!
I’ve been thinking – on that idea the old American Indians had, when they interpret THE AIR as being SACRED – AND, to think of it, if we are surrounded by something SACRED, A SACRED AURA IN EVERYTHING, COVERING EVERYTHING — am i the only one who feel an uplifting force from that thought, to […]
Man has been busy the last couple of centuries on building a GRAND world of concrete and steel! He has been very busy and made A LOT – but i believe man has actually BEEN WRONG….let me explain – EXPLAIN THAT, AND EXPLAIN WHY YOU SHOULD “TURN ON TUNE IN AND DROP OUT”, why it’s […]
To Never Pray = An Empty Life?
Before you start caring about the environment you should start caring about getting some true slack…in that order – and take it from that angle, rather than going the misguided route towards what enslaves you, takes your slack – before start, before anything, you should break on through to the other side and kill the […]
“Here Lies An Anti-Christ”
To be spiritual, without being, at all, a Christian – that’s what i’m talking about… To see EVERYTHING as spiritual… THE AIR; being sacred, the EARTH; being a GODLIKE MOTHER EARTH – to live for praising Gaia/earth…to see YOURSELF as full-on-right-down-SPIRITUAL.. “Some people say, “I belive in God” – i don’t need to believe in […]
Laziness Heals Through Slack
If you take a while, and check back the 18-20 century in a deep retrospect… WHAT THE HECK WERE THEY THINKING??? I mean, why did they live on such as PLANE OF EXISTENCE, as the one they attained for themselves– WHY were they not on a SUBGENIUS-LEVEL, they totally missed out on “Bob”! The communists, […]
The Paradox Of People Demonstrating in The Streets
I saw some footage from the riots happening in the streets of, France, i believe it was…i think it was something to do with increasing the age for pension, nationally.. And seeing them police in black armor and shields, forcing themselves against, pushing against the crowds of people, fighting against those demonstrators – seeing those […]
The Poetry Of Living
I personally can’t even understand how a human can have the concept of war… i don’t understand them Suit N’ Tie Men… WHY, what kind of interest is WAR to lay any mind onto, why not live a wholesome SLACK-LIFE far driven beyond power-mad CON-DELIRIUM, to rather live for a FUNKY SLACK-DELIRIUM – in the […]
Ladidaaa, i am really looking forward moving out from the clinic – unless the staffers kill me off, on the final day in, in some perverse attempt to hinder happiness from ever happing to someone “not deserving happiness”– because SLACK is really an unjustified happiness– nono, only the FALSE-SLACK-BRAND of happiness – like the good […]
The Divine Comedy
Life’s pretty funny – here i am, in this dusty old timber-town in north Sweden.. What the hell am i doing here, how did i end up HERE, and HERE-on-this-planet – can anyone see the DIVINE COMEDY OF LIFE?? It’s bitter-sweet…life is as an IRONIC parade through life, in a way – life’s real fragile, […]
One piece of information i picked up from watching the reality TV-show “Cops”…was that, in general, a blowjob from the regular Working-girl, at least as reading from what i saw/heard on the show – WAS THAT, SHE CHARGES 20USD FOR IT, FOR A BLOWJOB! 20-fucking-dollars!? And that, for me, describes exactly what i hate about […]
Revisiting My First Post – “For-&-Hind-Brain”
As Nietzsche pointed out: If you take a look at human culture, overall – you could almost draw a medical conclusion that the human brain is underdeveloped – but that may not be entirely true, because we are the SMARTEST of all ANIMALS, after all … It may just be that the human brain, throughout […]
Just a General Discussion From dobbs-town
If i’ve understood everything, what bible pushers trying to push-on-me – is that i’ll get to paradise after i die.. Nothing about living THE SLACK LIFE, now, here, on earth. Hell, the word “SLACK” isn’t even mentioned in the bible… This ONE life, i got, i want to make it into something i DESIRE, i […]
NO Justification In This SICK WORLD
I’ve heard of some phenomenon reoccurring in china – where young mad males get down on their luck, lose much money, lose their girl, etc etc. Then in an act of frustration an despair they take it out on the public – like driving their cars into a crowd of people, or just stabbing some […]
The Con Bears A Heavy Weight
You don’t need to lend a shoulder to carry that heavy load! I’d say; Kill The Father Fuck The Mother…BREAK ON THROUGH TO THE OTHER SIDE! As the song goes; “..but can you still recall the time we cried, break on through to the other side..”: HELL, YOU COULD JUST TAKE THE HIGHWAY TO THE […]
If The AIR, That We Breathe, IS SACRED…
IF, the very air, i mean the very air that we breathe – if that AIR, is sacred, wouldn’t that mean that we’re INSIDE SOMETHING SACRED, that *INTO-THIS-HOUSE*, IN THE WORLD, everything is also, equally SACRED, all-that-exists-all-the-time; IS UTTERLY SPECIAL AND EVEN SACRED. I mean, we’re engulfed by AIR: And if that AIR is sacred, […]
The Curse of The SUIT N’ TIE MAN
As the Church speaks of: The Most of our SLACK, lies in the hands of “DEMONS”; Suit N’ Tie men.. The SUPER-NORMAL… As i said before: The Suit N’ Tie Men are not turned-on to the FUNKY SIDE OF TOWN; it’s not a funky world, we’re living in, it’s rather a TRIVIAL SUIT N’ TIE […]
As far as I’m concerned: THERE ARE drugs that has the power, the magic in them, to STOP WARS – that brings that kind of different PITCH to the mental– introduces a different view on LIVING, CONSCIOUSNESS, EVERYTHING FROP, MESCALINE, PSILOCYBIN, LSD, among many – all them mind-altering hallucigenics…they STOP WARS; all interest of the […]
How I Envision My Personal Utopia
This world is like a utilitarian, hard WORLD OF STEEL; steel-railings, concrete blocks, shaping our world to something bereaved of DIVINE-LIKE CONCEPTS – like some TEMPLE in Thailand. Then a person might say; “Hey, the whole world can’t look like one of those picturesque temples in Thailand – we can’t create a WHOLE WORLD being […]
Egotistic SLACK-BUBBLE, Freedom Of Mind, Mind Void of THE CON
I strongly believe in a world, where EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL, IN THAT SOCIETY, takes on FULL responsibility, TO SLACK OFF AND FUCK OFF– to mind his/hers OWN and never invade into any others business – a WHOLE WORLD, where NO ONE–EVEN STEALS, steals anything, needs ANYTHING, no greed. You get me, seekers? I MEAN, a […]
Why should i lead a life of work, when i’m alive for some different reason??
I’m awestricken by ALL THIS – BY EARTH, BY SPACE; SO, WHY WORK, WHY NOT SLACK?? Why do earth exist? And what is a planet, anyway? Why the universe, and what am i–a human being, is what they’ll tell you–but what is that, some sort of creature – BUT why the earth, why these creatures, […]
The Meaning Of It All (SCRUB)
I think that, the meaning of IT ALL, IS: THE CHILDREN. When the humans have, finally, abandoned their children, they have abandoned IT ALL.. Which The Con HAVE/ARE DOING – WE ARE NOT EVEN BORN FREE, anymore.. The Con, The Babylon – is A VAMPIRE.. Babylon eats it’s young.. Do you get what i am […]
The Romance That Mankind Has Drifted Into
If humanity, man, is not a CANCER – then WHY would he create a (even just ONE) PARKING LOT– IT’S A ROMANCE! It’s EVIL! And WE ALL must toil, we all must rise in the morning to help the wheels turn…why not rather ignore the romance, and BREAK ON THROUGH – Kill The Father Fuck […]
Retrospective Fantasy of Living in THE 60’s
Living in a civilization permeated by nature, more primitive perhaps (OR; actually LESS primitive..) but simply permeated by nature- CONTRA; living in a top-modernized, highly technological world with all it’s alluring and tasty benefits and quirks and high-speed inter-nets, whatnotALL I WANT is to live in a civilization that is THE BEST OF BOTH THEM […]
Pair of MEDIOCRETIN’S EYES, Staring Into A Bleak, Dark Emptiness Of Delicious ASS-FRENZY
We’re doomed — BECAUSE, before you can save the EARTH FROM THE CON – you need to change; “MMM, GOOD SYRUP” in people (or CONSUMERS, or what to call the SYRUP-PEOPLE) They, the con, are all-over the planet– and a total destruction is the only solution.. They literally live for work, and for consuming, DAY-TO-DAY-JUST-WORK, […]
LSD Came From God, to Put Funk on Your Mind
First… Let me just say, that i DO NOT like talking about DRUGS! Drugs has caused me a lot of pain, one hellova lot – BUT, they have also caused me a lot of PLEASURE, one-hellova-lot of pleasure.. The drugs i regret, is the Synthetic Marijuana (“spice”) i smoked 9 years ago, and then the […]
Bullet Strikes The Helmet’s Head (Scrub-Recap)
Some thought’s on WAR – ideas that reflect upon our entire civilization, and how sick it is.. I mean, how entirely rotten our civilization, our culture is, and all leading from rotten to totally rotten to the core.. HOW our WARS have no spiritual nerve, it’s just mindless restructuring of wealth and oil.. In our […]
There’s No Justice In Life…
Life is not fair…. I’m real fortunate that these meds works, and make me better.. BUT, not as lucky as i would’ve been if i DIDN’T EVEN NEED THEM.. Like this guy– see i was stuck in the clinic for 6 years…but some guy who was there 2-3months to rest up – had actually scored […]
Correlation Between H-Bombs, Suit ‘N Tie Men in high places – and a Lack of Psychedelic Experiences
They’re insane, like mongoloids, really– fuckin’ Suit ‘N Tie Men – Ruling and directing money around, like e.g; wars, today, are like nuclear missiles, the very fact man has created it all, that and all of IT– it’s just BIG TIME INSANITY…delusional suit-‘n-tie-men– them people are not truly living, they are all CONSPIRACY-DUPES, with a […]
More Human Than Human
How did this happen…how did i end up being a human on planet earth..?? And how come i found my way to, and would end up drawn towards “Bob”, as a moth attracted to the light, someway i ended up becoming a Subgenius, WHY–? GOD??– but what does it all mean, what is “Bob” […]
This quote, by Edward Abbey just says it all– IT’S EVIL, what man has been up to for god knows how long. Mankind has been growing solely for the sake of growth– SO, you are entitled to live counter-wise, to that, you don’t need to help civilization GROW: “Growth for the sake of growth is […]
Think about the general person – walking the streets, drinking alcohol, in USA – this song speaks the truth about man, how man is basically living for alcohol and sexy women: These two, terrific, songs, got about the same message – I WAS BORN IN THE WRONG TIME, this cold and hateful world is not […]
Something Rev. Ivan Stang Said
The Great Rev. Ivan Stang, said something i picked up on… (yeah, i know he hates my guts for being a silly idiot and so hateful against ordinary people, but it’s a fact that the man is brilliant..) Anyway – he said, like; “WORK/DAY-JOBS, that’s the actual river of misery, of the world – WORK […]
Them Bizarre Suit-And-Tie Men of The Con
For me, personally, it’s like i just HAVE TO live in a slightly different reality than most – i dare to say; i actually perceive realty as being MORE FUNKY, and FUZZY, like SHROOMY – from the shrooms i took at a younger age (approximately 10, all-thought-provoking, trips, back then) – and the LAMENESS of […]
“PMA” – stands for “Positive Mental Attitude” – and that is something that truly guides me.. Most people got no REAL PMA – they prefer to look upon the negative – “humankind prefers living in hell..” NEGATIVE, SUPERFLUOUS SHIT, that you don’t really need – they never dream themselves beyond the horizons…never fantasize about something […]
I wonder when it was, that living a life became a RACE AGAINST TIME, for ALL? When man started showing up at a place of work, the same time 5 days a-week– and letting that shape his entire reality..When it was settled that you shouldn’t simply disregard time completely – then just commit murder of […]
Who ARE These People???
When you ACTUALLY tune in to CON-MEDIA, and, also, take a good look at the world… Everything going on just ANSWERS TO MY POINT, MORE – my point that THE CON is real– I MEAN; WHO ARE THEY??? How can humans be this DARK – how can you hurt ANYONE/ANYTHING, why?? And, LIKE HUMANS MAKING […]
Man’s Misguided Utopia Of HELL
It’s like in that song… “And all the roads jam up with credit and there’s nothing you can doIt’s all just bits of paper flying away from youLook out world, take a good look what comes dawn hereYou must learn this lesson fast and learn it wellThis ain’t no upwardly mobile freewayOh no, this is […]
Wage-Slaving For The Future-Now
I wrote something on Flashback.. I addressed a plausible hypothesis…that maybe we are all working way more than we actually should, or would, need to – BUT, that we are forced to work at the present rate because of a romance amongst mankind to reach a future-now-state.. You get what im saying..? I mean, mankind […]
Masculinity is TOO OVER-REPRESENTED, The World Needs More TENDERNESS
Masculinity has been TOO MUCH OVER-REPRESENTED IN THE WORLD, in my humble opinion…the world is not tender enough – WOULDN’T WE WANT A TENDER WORLD?? I mean…wouldn’t the world be better off being SOFT AND FRUITY, JUICY AND TASTY, GAY AND FULL OF FEMININITY– there’s too much RAW-POWER, too much masculinity – we would be […]
SLACK = Mark Of Higher Culture
They say a Big Mac is a good price-comparison for countries’ PPP – BUT we all know the truest high-culture is, all along, a land without any money at all. Just as the native American’s way of life–THAT IS HIGH-CULTURE. But beyond that fact, to bring things into this monetary white-man’s-world – then the mark […]
I was once hiking in the woods– one year when i were like 24-25 years old, i spent a great deal of time hiking in the woods, i could head out into the wild, ungoverned for 1-2-3 weeks, then head home to my mom’s place for a few days– then head out again.. For one […]
Normal people are a breed of this world and nothing beyond it…bereaved of any genuine intellect, no? Normal people are so…*REAL*.. They got no hand in the old and mysterious, everything is pink.. They can be fucking rocket scientists, lawyers, Presidents, or “great proprietors of big metaphysical capabilities” — yet, something, is missing.. And that […]
Mental-unclenching, stupidity-based defocus-method of focal though-matter – “The Mind-Exhaust”
Hehe.. I’m doing it AGAIN – looking stupid.. But it’s fucked up, as usual, and i feel like funnying around.. and i feel so good being in a stupid state right now.. Well, this headline is actually just a joke – but, it refers to something i sometime find myself doing.. And i just thought […]
Strange Sighting in The Starlit Night Sky…
JUST REALIZED!.. I HAVE seen a strange thing in the night sky.. Very long time ago, but i have not forgotten it, because it was strange to me.. It was winter and i was at a friend’s place(he lived close to me, neighbor).. We were playing in the snow, racing with “snowracers”(you know, a plastic […]
America’s Obsessed With Violence…
The US is obsessed with violence – prove me wrong… Like, you can’t show a woman’s nipples – but you can show someone blowing someone’s head to pieces with a shotgun.. And the gun-fixation…everything is just big, oppressive, violent and mean, and murderous, always been a BIG TOUGH LAND, full of fighting full of conflicts […]
A Groovy Reality, Groovy World
Why do reality NEED to be so harsh – WHY can’t reality be gay and cuddly, sweet and slackful? WHY must everything be so hard and hurting – why can’t everyone just instantly transform to FEEBLE MINDS just tender and slack-appreciate and stupid–just living for nothing, nothing but kicking back and groove, feel groovy – […]
Why Pity a War Refugee??
What i would like to say to any immigrant who has escaped war to come to Sweden, is: BUUU HUU! I have been fighting a fucking war for 12 years – and it’s been a much tougher existence than merely being in a war zone, could ever be. I’ve been fighting and struggling and crawling […]
Another Hate Mail, Addressed To NYC
Fucking New York – move over big time, let me taste the fruits of the feast we were promised, the wine the new wine…dying on the vine… HOW COULD WE!!?? (THEM…but as us humans) HOW, in gods name, COULD THEY CREATE THE ‘CONCRETE JUNGLE’??? What were they thinking?? There shouldn’t even BE SUCH A THING! […]
My Personal Notion of Wakan Tanka & Allah – Respective to AI:s Explanation of The Same
Before i paste that ChatGPT text – let me mention, kind of, how i look on Wakan Tanka, and also Allah– for i suspect it might be the same thing, or at least might be FOR ME… So: I sympathize with many religions.. i think in terms of having A SPIRITUAL VIEW-POINT, mostly i agree […]
Sick Of The Turmoiling Maelstrom
Why do i get some weird feeling, that people are starting to get tired of the whole internet-thing, Youtube, and Facebook, internet-porn, etc etc etc? Like people actually want refreshments, to be refreshed, and not the same ‘cold, sweet champagne of the net’–for refreshment – but something more carrying them slowly through the wild – […]
The con wants us slackless! That’s as clear as day – see. the con’s biggest concern is to NOT letting everyone get too much slack…when, in fact all the slack you can get is perfect, since slack is a perfect thing.. The CON, wants everyone to be mere CONSPIRACY-DUPES, but only dead fishes follows the […]
IF the Police Are Degenerates..?
If the general state of 90% of all people are degenerative, that must mean the police force are made up by that same degenerative force – and that raises a problem.. The problem is, that a degenerate mind can force itself upon your mind, then.. It’s hard to make it as a free spirit in […]
You Don’t Look UP To Find God…You look DOWN
For me it’s plain to see, how there’s a sacred spirit, who is a creator – and that spirit is not a MAN, it’s a LIZARD/SNAKE – RIDE THE SNAKE! You just ride the snake, the spirit – throw yourself down the waterfall without fear…like if you are undergoing a mescaline trip, you just lose […]
The First Time i Ever Heard A Frank Zappa Song
Let me tell you seekers, the anecdote of when i heard Frank Zappa for the first time, at the age of 21-22.. I used to walk home from town, to this suburb about 30km, 60-round-trip – back and forth like 10-15 times each week.. And the reason i didn’t take the bus (more than in […]
A World At Sleep…
“Today is the age of the heroes, who live for us and through whom we experience the heights and depths of emotion. The spectator is a dying animal and the purgation of emotion is left up to the actor, not the audience.” Take the nature of that that old remark, by Jim Morrison – and […]
The Power OF “BOB”!
The power of “Bob” compels you; TO think for yourself, and get slacked! To enter, back-to-the-old-world.. The power of “Bob”, for me, is the way he’s the ultimate excuse, to trash christian belief, kick out all false prophets, and enter into the world with an open mind, if you want to find a way, an […]
The LIE of Modern Warfare
In a world as GODLESS as this – every war being exercised would have to be GODLESS! Or what, is there any beauty in a war – is there anything worth romanticizing about, in any war?? Isn’t war kind of passé..? I mean, isn’t war ONLY UGLY any-which way you look at it?? Isn’t war […]
How LSD-25 Opens The Senses
LSD has that effect– see, America, actually is like a world of CARDBOARD, theater-flats, like those prop-theater-backgrounds (you probably know what i mean) – AND, LSD-25, has that effect, that it resets the mind’s-eye – to pierce through that cardboard-world – also, as-well, it changes the whole conception of being alive, AWAY FROM MERELY SETTLING […]
Stupid Xians and Their Belief of some Man-God
I can’t address enough about how i disregard and despise this phenomenon, being how the vast majority of Xians (i’m mainly pointing my finger at THE US) seem to possess a notion, that GOD would be some kind of Man-spirit/entity, waiting for them in the heavens above, to tell them something about their sinful ways, […]
A LOST Human Reality-Perception
I looked at THIS picture…and had an epiphany: Epiphany: WE SHOULDN’T LIVE IN THIS MODERN WORLD, that’s the main issue covering every other thing that is an issue under that issue – we SHOULD live exactly like the American Indians did (long back when they didn’t live in trailers, something Pre-Columbus) WE SHOULD LIVE LIKE […]
God’s Away On Business
The fucking CON!.. Tell me, seekers– WHY did they invent this world — IT’S TOO ANTI-FUN AND SERIOUS FOR MY TASTE – i don’t want life to be sad and serious.. I had an epiphany.. I never want my life to get serious, AT ALL – i don’t ever want my life to be ANY […]
Trump Was Born Rich – Yet He Chose WORK(!)
I can’t help thinking about that thought on Trump, and how he chose to work.. Work rather than just traveling around in a slack-appreciate-state of good women and good wine.. I mean, Trump was born into wealth and riches – guaranteeing a total possibility to never living for a min under the necessity to work, […]
A Closed-Off World
I was listening t some interview of Jim Morrison.. And, what he speaks of is true – as he says right here: I think what I was concerned with in that book was the fact that most people feel completely void and helpless in controlling their own destinies, controlling the destiny of human life, and […]
It Takes A FREAK
“Men don’t know, but the little girls understand– BACKDOOR MAN!” It takes a freak, to truly see through all the visionary-filters which men and women has acquired by now: It takes a little change, disorder, chaos, a little madness – to truly find the clear vision of everything.. a SLACK-REALITY-PERCEPTION in all it’s glory. To […]
… I actually, WANT TO live in a MODERN WORLD! Even as i sympathize with the American Indians, clearly living more primitive – that is not my concern; that the world is modern. That’s not AT ALL my concern with the humans, and their GREAT “CIVILIZATION”… My concern is: I want a modern world, only […]
Pippi Longstocking as Friedrich Nietzsche’s Overhuman
I’ve always been a big Pippi Fan, ever since i watched the movies as a child (never read the books..) And, with that been settled – i totally see Pippi – AS an Ubermensch – it makes perfect sense, at least to me.. Here’s an article, followed by a link to the entire essay, in […]
WHY CAN’T PEOPLE JUST LIVE-THEIR-LIVES!? Why do they NEED– why do they even CARE?? Why can’t they just cruise through an obscure walk-of-life without any further notion than to just eat, sleep, slack–BE-FREE, by their own – and live solely just their own simple, humble way through every corner, until they are just by themselves […]
To Hell With Progress – Let The Slack-World Commence
Imagine a WORLD OF SLACK – where people all are living-it-slackful, and progress is abolished: FUCK THE WHEELS OF PROGRESS, AND FUCK TIME…i’m gonna live my entire life in some sort of slack-void where time’s banished, and i’m just doing what i want, like committing the biggest crime against THE CON = Actually living free […]
Why NYC Sucks
As i wrote on Mastodon: Personally, i think that the VERY THING, that Nuclear missiles EVEN EXISTS – kind of speaks for how wrong the white man has ALWAYS been – it speaks for how wrong they were, and is – as such a thing like nuclear warfare shouldn’t even exist…it speaks for itself on […]
Becoming a Zen-Master
Think about it; working, or not working, a con-job– isn’t it: It’s about not living in the reality of the con, as a whole…reject all CON-BS and rise up to shake hand with Wakan Tanka, MOVE upon/over the hunting grounds of Slack, of “Bob” – out with that miserable reality– meta-morph the mind with mind-altering […]
Wake-Dreaming Of Idyllic Nature-Scenes
I’m thinking of staying awake this whole night through, just drink coffee and dream, pretend i’m somewhere, maybe on a small sailing boat, and that i’m anchored in one of those small little bays, the kind that goes like a ping pong racket into the land, cutting the bumpy sea out, like a haven from […]
Wake Up And Live – Start Your Brain And Free Your Mind!
… Might mean you’re living in an active slough – and maybe not working, or at least working FOR YOU, YOUR SLACK.. Slack ain’t laziness, but isn’t it kind of lame to not live for your own interests in the field of life..? Just listen to this track, by The Doors: The gate is high, […]
“The Right To Be Lazy”, Intriguing Book by Paul Lafargue
An author i hadn’t heard about – but then again, there’s a whole parade of authors i’ve never heard about.. This seem to be an author writing on behalf of a socialistic ideologistic conviction, might actually advocate such a world view.. The man was also the son in law of Karl Marx…which might not have […]
The Great Mystery
I think, but i don’t know, if it was Nietzsche who said something, like; “Looking real carefully at the scale/skin of a lizard, you can see an almost mysterious, very complex landscape in that hide, like focusing-in on the skin of the lizard you can’t really grasp how such a thing, so intricate, can be […]
Mental Myopia
I believe in something i call Mental Myopia, as you know i talked about pretty long ago; The Mental Nearsightedness.. Who of you fucking SubGs agree with me – that in that lies all mental pass-ways towards getting slack? Let’s say i’m in a camp out in nature, hiking – then the small area of […]
Some Silly Poems i Wrote on Scrub
“Bob” has parked his car. And i am climbing out the trunk. A new born twisted sister, a toadstool-hunk, frop in bulk. Wicked, dusty, mushy brain woods. Murky junk – moonbeam rays Automatic sandals, not a man, never any pain. Nothing but gain feeding a flame Enclosed in gentle rain. I’ve gone insane – – […]
An Article About Perspective on Death Among Native Tribes
I read some article about the perspective on death, among the Sioux Indians.. And i do share a lot of the view point, i do believe myself, with the Indian relation to life and death.. I do believe death was considered a climax, for the Indians – the release into something truly divine. Like something […]
Take The Highway To The Hamburger Shop (Another Scrubgenius Posts Cut/Paste)
One of my favorite quotes are the one from the Doors song, referring to the quote by William Blake.. And then I realized how fucking neat it is to combine that with the favorite CotSG-Slogan. But every idiot seems to misinterpret that quote – they seem to think it means committing a slow kind of […]
Why Join A Cult (Cut/Paste, Again)
What’s the reason you was drawn to a religion, and a cult, to begin with? For, me – i am not being any particular serious about being in this cult (but then again, it is a joke by nature, a real, profound-joke).. BUT i just find it as being a nice addition to anybody’s living-situation […]
Themis Of SubG
The way i see it, the subg-mindset/yetiness derives from a divine slack-numbness – never see into the future nor the past–in a too anal-retentive perspective, nor to reflect upon meaning of life or existential regards. I was watching some clip on youtube, and there was such a nice sky – clouds drifting by – and […]
Re-Cut/Pasted – All My Posts From “I Like Dirt!”, Scrubgenius…
I was mainly looking for a post, in this thread, where i’m mentioning my boyhood home, where i grew up – BUT i decided to post all MY POSTS from the thread, here on my Blog, here’s it all, my love for filth: I have a single one coffee mug, here in my room in […]
Higher Consciousness Of Total, Pure SLACK
Alexander “Sasha” Shulgin said something.. As you may know he was a chemist who created many psychedelic drugs – and tried numerous drugs on himself.. Personally i have only tried out one of his discoveries, and it’s not MDMA/ecstasy.. Anyway, in that documentary “Dirty Pictures”, he says something, about how maybe, long long ago, we […]
No Mind For Politics
I’m not political; left wing right wing, nothing of anything, really. And i don’t pay mind to politics… I guess i take the world straight with no chaser, just live in it, not paying any mind on political aspects of what the society is dabbling with, like who’s in charge, what’s happening to the politics, […]
I Don’t Agree With The Con
And in particular i would like to point more precisely at the system of jail/prison.. Because i see a deranged frame of mind in that whole thing, which is just creating more darkness, more negativity and travesty–more pinkness, in it all.. Let’s say someone murder someone; wha-bam, bullet shot from someone’s gun in some random […]
“Pope Peter-PAN”
… and that is; to never grow up…i wanna be a kid, in a grown body, until the end.. Like in this song, originally by Tom Waits: I don’t need money, i don’t need love, i don’t need success – all i’m asking god, is to never let me grow up.. I don’t want to […]
Like Nietzsche said, like; “A bad memory is a gift”… I want to become a blissful boob – a FREE boob – as long as a can orchestra an BBQ on my balcony, that’s eating a grand meal which means survival, i mean why master, to a high-degree, in some ridiculous con-matters, like; politics, or […]
The Psychology Of Conformity
This was an interesting video – “the Psychology of Conformity”: As i wrote some time back: Mankind has for long lived in a social society, and are all in relation to the horde – which has had a conforming effect upon everyone’s mind – going insane can break that conformity – see, we are all […]
Looking DOWN, NOT UP, For Solace
I, personally, don’t look up to the far-skies for God – i rather look down to the earth, and sees the great spirit in everything – even when i look up (like in the picture which i took many years ago when i was doing all that hiking in the wild), i primary focus my […]
“ARISE!” – SubGenius Recruitment Barrage Tape
First time i saw this– recruitment video for a religious cult – MY MIND WAS BLOWN, or at least carried away.. It does such a great job at it’s purpose; if you get it you ARE SUBGENIUS, and if you can’t take the joke– OR merely doesn’t even understand (if it complexes) you are probably […]
Quran Burning In Sweden – My Opinion
Been thinking about this Quran burning business, that seems to need to happen every now and then, in Sweden: AND, even as much as we wouldn’t care if someone burned our holy book, or even wiped their asses with it– I STILL THINK THE QURAN SHOULD BE HANDLED WITH RESPECT Can’t those clowns just leave […]
Great Golden Copulations On The Streets Of L.A.
Something Morrison said, or sung more precisely, that i want to have a strong trust in, but that no one girl(or boy, even) in the world seem to adapt to–see, the Con is just utterly negative: AND, the con has gone normalized into a meager, poor, normalized, FLING-LESS, SCARED-OF-COURTSHIP CONCEPTION, never truly lets it loose […]
Sweet Solitude
I’m the kind of person that really enjoy being to myself, and my best friend is kind of the same way, so i barely ever meet him in person, we keep contact running, though, through telegram – just like cats, when they feel they’re about to die they walk away and lay down somewhere, alone.. […]
Rather Peculiar Experience Of Cats
I got a PECULIAR Cat-memory.. I once saw a cat-family…and it was exactly like a human-family.. I’m sure, though, that the same could be observed with a family of Dogs.. It was like this: When i was a kid we used play in the hay, of a big, open section of my neighbor’s barn, that […]
The Grand Lie Of Mankind
I can’t believe how SWEET this picture is– FUCK’EM ALL: That mountain was sacred to the Indians – then they go and make MAN-FACES on it, i mean… Think of man as an animal, for a second- then take that paved platform they’re all walking around on, spectating – man can dig into the ground […]
Escape to The Green
Nietzsche were right, regarding that theory on man’s for-brain and hind-brain. The theory holds true – it’s in clear display, actually been the case of man since we realized it’s better to invent a new tool, than to come up with a new lullaby, or something OF SENSUALITY – now we even invent machines to […]